Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 04:12:25 von pharvey

Those interested in prerelease stuff - please try latest 3.51.13 from;

This version allows calling a stored procedure using a statement with
outter {}. For example; "{ call sp_test( 23 ) }"

Peter Harvey

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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 05:03:20 von Daniel Kasak

Peter Harvey wrote:
> Those interested in prerelease stuff - please try latest 3.51.13 from;
> This version allows calling a stored procedure using a statement with
> outter {}. For example; "{ call sp_test( 23 ) }"
Far-king sweet!

My 'fish' example works ( select 'Fish' ). I am now porting some of our
'pass-through' queries to use stored procedures.
It is looking promising. I will of course report any issues I have, but
I'd say this ( stored proc support ) is at least good enough for people
to test with - if not use.

Thanks Peter :)

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 06:49:35 von Daniel Kasak

Daniel Kasak wrote:
> I will of course report any issues I have, but I'd say this ( stored
> proc support ) is at least good enough for people to test with - if
> not use.
OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.

I installed 3.51.13 on one production desktop, and have spent the last
hour repairing damage done :(
This driver still crashes Access intermittently. I get about 2 - 3
minutes of use out of it. I have put logging into our Access app to see
where exactly it's crashing. The bad news is that it doesn't seem to be
anywhere in particular. I expected to see it crash every time it queried
MySQL, but in fact it's crashing at any old time - when it's querying
SQL Server, or even when it's just refreshing information from local (
Access ) temporary tables ( I grab data from around the place, populate
Access tables, and then force the form to refresh ... the crashes aren't
even happening when I'm gathering data, but when I refresh from the
local tables ).

Reverting back to 3.51.12-2 fixes things completely ... HOWEVER ... this
is no easy task. The uninstaller doesn't ... uninstall things. And so
when you run the installer for 3.51.12-2, it complains that it can't
find the setup routines, and I get an Abort / Retry / Ignore dialog. I
have previously reported this issue, but didn't know what was causing
it. After a LOT of frigging around, Windows Updating, etc, I had a look
in the windows system folder, and found MySQL stuff still there! I
deleted them, and then was able to install 3.51.12-2 successfully ...
and now I am able to go home :)

Back to the drawing board? Sorry Peter. I'll get a crash log ( Access
crash log, and the ODBC trace log ) tomorrow from my dev box ( which
isn't crashing at the moment, by the way ).


Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 07:06:49 von pharvey

> OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.

Sorry about that experience. This is going to be my priority tomorrow
from the looks of things so any info you can pass on would be good. I
would expect that it can be resolved by end of the day tomorrow - will see.

The regular ODBC log/trace may be of particular interest. The ODBC calls
which MS Access causes can sometimes be surprising.

Thanks Dan!

Peter Harvey

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 07:08:45 von pharvey

> OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.

Also - it would be interesting to see if you get the same behaviour
working against a v4 server (assuming you are trying to work against a
v5 server at the moment).

Peter Harvey

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 23:21:23 von Daniel Kasak

Peter Harvey wrote:
>> OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.
> Dan,
> Also - it would be interesting to see if you get the same behaviour
> working against a v4 server (assuming you are trying to work against a
> v5 server at the moment).
Yeah these crashes were against a 4.1.14 server.
I installed 3.51.13 on a production desktop to talk to our production

My desktop is running 3.51.13 drivers and talking to both the 4.1.14
production server, and a 5.0.18 testing setup ( installed locally ).

I've been trying my hardest to get Access to crash on my system this
morning. You wouldn't believe it - it's been rock solid. I'm now going
to start testing on another production desktop ( the guy's away today )
to see if I can reproduce it there. Maybe there are some differences
between our Windows installations ( we don't do a lot of Windows updates
on our desktops, but mine is completely up-to-date ). I will post back
with traces, etc as soon as I can get one.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 09.03.2006 23:55:08 von Daniel Kasak

Peter Harvey wrote:
>> OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.
> Dan,
> Sorry about that experience.

That's OK. I knew I was installing development software. I was just
venting because I'd had a difficult hour - and also warning others who
might hit the same problem. I certainly don't blame you.

> This is going to be my priority tomorrow from the looks of things so
> any info you can pass on would be good. I would expect that it can be
> resolved by end of the day tomorrow - will see.
> The regular ODBC log/trace may be of particular interest. The ODBC
> calls which MS Access causes can sometimes be surprising.

An ODBC log is up at:

Sorry about the delay. I originally attached it, and eventually got a
message back that it was too big. When I switched to a different
Access database shell, I triggered it pretty much first go. I can't
really explain why I can't make our other Access db crash, but anyway, I
hope this has the info you're after. The last command in the log is
"show status like 'Connections'". I've got an invisible form that
regularly does this - we use this to keep the connection alive. Without
it, if you leave Access inactive for an extended period of time, it
crashes. I'm actually pretty sure that this was fixed by an update to
the MS Jet driver, but the code is still in place just in case ( it also
doubled as a nice MySQL status bar updater thing, but this is also doing
some whacky stuff ( instead of fetching actual status indicators, I'm
just getting a series of 'box outline' characters ) after upgrading the
server from 4.0.x to 4.1.x. It's possible that this is the cause of the
problem, but I doubt it somehow - I'm mentioning it just in case.

I had hoped that Access would offer a crash log when it died, but it
only displays the info ( ie the stuff that it's going to send to
Microsoft ) on-screen ... it doesn't let you copy & paste :(

Thanks for your help Peter :)

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: Connector/ODBC 3.51.13

am 10.03.2006 10:52:21 von Martin.Evans

That log has a failing call to SQLSetDescField for the OctetLengthPtr
presumably because myodbc 3 does not support descriptors. From what Peter said
in previous posting this sounds like it will be in v 5. Whatever
"ElectronicBills" is, it would appear it is ignoring this failure and

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 09-Mar-2006 Daniel Kasak wrote:
> Peter Harvey wrote:
>>> OK. Scratch that part about 'good enough to use'.
>> Dan,
>> Sorry about that experience.
> That's OK. I knew I was installing development software. I was just
> venting because I'd had a difficult hour - and also warning others who
> might hit the same problem. I certainly don't blame you.
>> This is going to be my priority tomorrow from the looks of things so
>> any info you can pass on would be good. I would expect that it can be
>> resolved by end of the day tomorrow - will see.
>> The regular ODBC log/trace may be of particular interest. The ODBC
>> calls which MS Access causes can sometimes be surprising.
> An ODBC log is up at:
> Sorry about the delay. I originally attached it, and eventually got a
> message back that it was too big. When I switched to a different
> Access database shell, I triggered it pretty much first go. I can't
> really explain why I can't make our other Access db crash, but anyway, I
> hope this has the info you're after. The last command in the log is
> "show status like 'Connections'". I've got an invisible form that
> regularly does this - we use this to keep the connection alive. Without
> it, if you leave Access inactive for an extended period of time, it
> crashes. I'm actually pretty sure that this was fixed by an update to
> the MS Jet driver, but the code is still in place just in case ( it also
> doubled as a nice MySQL status bar updater thing, but this is also doing
> some whacky stuff ( instead of fetching actual status indicators, I'm
> just getting a series of 'box outline' characters ) after upgrading the
> server from 4.0.x to 4.1.x. It's possible that this is the cause of the
> problem, but I doubt it somehow - I'm mentioning it just in case.
> I had hoped that Access would offer a crash log when it died, but it
> only displays the info ( ie the stuff that it's going to send to
> Microsoft ) on-screen ... it doesn't let you copy & paste :(
> Thanks for your help Peter :)
> --
> Daniel Kasak
> IT Developer
> NUS Consulting Group
> Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
> North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
> T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
> email:
> website:
> --
> MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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