How to set up query for Thesaurus
am 15.03.2006 22:11:23 von marcHi everyone,
I'm trying to build a Thesaurus. In my thesaurus i've created the
following tables: terms, btnt (broader terms/narrower terms), rt
(related terms)
The structures of the tables are like this:
| table: terms |
| term_id | name |
1 Europe
2 Holland
3 Amsterdam
4 England
5 London
| table: btnt
| btnt_id | bt | nt |
1 Europe(1) Holland(2)
2 Holland(2) Amsterdam(3)
| table: rt
| btnt_id | rt1 | rt2 |
1 Holland(1) England(3)
2 Amsterdam(2) London(4)
As you can see, with a thesaurus you can make an hierarchy relations
(btnt table) between terms as well as vertical relations (RT table).
I have a search query which will give me a term_id from the table terms.
With this term_id I have a query which will search and collect in the
table btnt for the nt with bt as term_id. But as you can see the nt is
also a bt. I want in the same query a loop so I can query it again with
the new query_results. This will be a contineous proces..
I hope you understand what i've written here, and I hope someone can
help me with this query...
Thanks in advance marc