Name wanted for module in construction
am 16.03.2006 00:21:35 von lukerossHi,
I'm writing a module designed to work along with DBI to enable
database-independent SQL generation. I've seen DBIx::SQLEngine and
DBIx::Abstract, but I feel that the syntax is too verbose and the data
structures too nested. My module uses source filters and PPI to allow
you to write some Perlish code which is transformed. Syntax is nowhere
near fixed yet, but along the lines of:
$dbh->My::Module(table1, == 1 && eq "hello");
(a.k.a. select * from table1 where = 1 and =
or the more complex:
$dbh->My::Module([table1->table2(table1.a==table2.b)], table1.status =~
m/^Foo/ and (table2.a eq "a" || table2.a eq $foo));
(a.k.a. select * from table1 right join table2 on table1.a=table2.b
where table1.status like "Foo%" and (table2.a = "a" or table2.a =
$foo)) where $foo is interpolated at runtime.
Questions: am I reinventing the wheel? and if not, what should I call
it? I have in mind Filter::SQL or DBIx::Filter.