Re: Upload an image with user text description / ID

Re: Upload an image with user text description / ID

am 29.03.2006 13:41:41 von Joe Makowiec

On 29 Mar 2006 in alt.php.sql, Spiral wrote:

> I have an application which needs the ability for a user to upload an
> image from their hard drive (maximum 2mb)
> This image needs to have a unique reference i.e (name of user)
> connected to it from a text input box.
> How can I do this please.

PHP is probably your best bet.

Joe Makowiec

Upload an image with user text description / ID

am 29.03.2006 14:11:24 von Gabe Garza


I have an application which needs the ability for a user to upload an
image from their hard drive (maximum 2mb)

This image needs to have a unique reference i.e (name of user) connected
to it from a text input box.

How can I do this please.