

am 29.03.2006 11:31:46 von Frank Mutze


Is there a method to forbid an attacker to exploit download.php
in grabbing some "sensitive" file ?

I mean using that kind of trick

download.php?filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../et c/passwd

thanks you

Re: securing

am 29.03.2006 12:51:21 von Jerry Stuckle

Frank Mutze wrote:
> hello
> Is there a method to forbid an attacker to exploit download.php
> in grabbing some "sensitive" file ?
> I mean using that kind of trick
> download.php?filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../et c/passwd
> thanks you

1. Validate the path and filename being downloaded
2. Don't run the webserver as root
3. Let Unix security help you.

Or, better yet - don't let them input the filename being downloaded. Rather,
give them a list of files and let them select. But don't give them the
filenames themselves - just descriptions. Look up the filenames when they
select which file they want to download.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

Re: securing

am 29.03.2006 13:17:45 von Andy Jeffries

On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 11:31:46 +0200, Frank Mutze wrote:

> hello
> Is there a method to forbid an attacker to exploit download.php in
> grabbing some "sensitive" file ?
> I mean using that kind of trick
> download.php?filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../et c/passwd

Use to convert it to a normal path and then use
one of the many string comparing functions to check it's within your
acceptable path.



Andy Jeffries MBCS CITP ZCE | gPHPEdit Lead Developer | PHP editor for Gnome 2 | Personal site and photos

Re: securing

am 29.03.2006 13:48:15 von Kimmo Laine

"Frank Mutze" wrote in message
> hello
> Is there a method to forbid an attacker to exploit download.php
> in grabbing some "sensitive" file ?
> I mean using that kind of trick
> download.php?filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../et c/passwd
> thanks you

Jerry already suggested a good way, but you can also try it with a checksum
to see that you did generate the filename by recalculating the check.

Say you'r filename is 'validfile.pdf'. You calculate a checksum for it, for
example by prepending a static password and md5'ing it.

$filename = 'validafile.pdf';
$checksum = md5($filename.'supercalifragislisticexpialidocious');

Then echo the link:


In download.php before outputting the file, you recalculate the checksum the
same way and compare it to given checksum
if($_GET[checksum] ==
if they match, it was indeed a link you generated and a file you generated,
but if it was changed to something like
filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd then the checksums
do not match (or at least the possibility of a false file name matching is
near to non-existing)

I used a scrambler 'supercalifragislisticexpialidocious' here, because
simply md5'ing the filename can be reproduced, but by adding the secret
scrambling key you also ensure that a hacker doesn't outsmart you by also
md5'ing his filename. Without the correct scrambling key the md5 will be
different, and since it's one-way function, you can not reproduce the
scrambling key from the md5 hash.

They way Jerry suggested is easier, but this is another way to achieve it.

"En ole paha ihminen, mutta omenat ovat elinkeinoni." -Perttu Sirviö | Gedoon-S @ IRCnet | rot13(xvzzb@bhgbyrzcv.arg)

Re: securing

am 29.03.2006 18:02:50 von D

"Frank Mutze" wrote in message
> hello
> Is there a method to forbid an attacker to exploit download.php
> in grabbing some "sensitive" file ?
> I mean using that kind of trick
> download.php?filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../et c/passwd
> thanks you

The easiest way is to remove any path elements that navigate up the
directory structure:

$path=str_replace("../", "", $path);

that would at least keep it within your documentroot. Comparing the
realpath() is the most secure, however.
