Must-read -- Emperor Gates and Luke Ballmer
am 30.03.2006 11:20:35 von Yawar AminFrom Slashdot
Very sorry for the cross-posting but this comment from Slashdot
( is a must-read
for every Linux lover.
Star Wars Version (Score:5, Funny)
by inKubus (199753) on Wednesday March 29, @04:22PM (#15020878)
( | Last Journal: Wednesday January 29, @02:50AM)
GATES: Welcome, young Balmer. I have been expecting you.
Balmer's son peers at the hooded figure defiantly. Gates then looks
down at the boy's binders.
GATES: You no longer need those.
Gates motions ever so slightly with his finger and Balmer's Son's
binders fall away, clattering to the floor. The boy looks down at his
own hands, free now to reach out and grab Gate's neck. He does
GATES: Guards, leave us.
The red-, yellow-, green- and blue-cloaked guards turn and disappear
behind the elevator.
GATES (to Balmer's Son): I'm looking forward to completing your
training. In time you will call me Master.
BALMER'S SON: You're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me as you did
my father.
Gates gets down from his XP Console and walks up very close to
Balmer's Son. Gates looks into his eyes and, for the first time,
Balmer's Son can perceive the evil visage within the hood.
GATES: Oh, no, my young Linux Admin. You will find that it is you who
are mistaken...about a great many things.
BALMER: His iPod.
BALMER extends a gloved hand toward Gates, revealing his son's iPod.
Gates takes it.
GATES: Ah, yes, a Linux Admin's toy. Much like your father's Portable
Media Center(tm). By now you must know your father can never be turned
from the dark side. So will it be with you.
BALMER'S SON: You're wrong. Soon I'll be dead...and you with me.
Gates laughs.
GATES: Perhaps you refer to the imminent attack of your Unix DoS Squad.
Balmer's Son looks up sharply.
GATES: Yes...I assure you we are quite safe from your friends here.
BALMER looks at his son.
BALMER'S SON: Your overconfidence is your weakness.
GATES: Your faith in your friends is yours.
BALMER: It is pointless to resist, my son.
Gates turns to face Balmer's Son.
GATES (angry): Everything that has transpired has done so according to
my design. (points to a NETSTAT on the monitor) Your friends out there
on the Internet..
Balmer's Son reacts. Gates notes it.
GATES (cont):
...are walking into a trap. As is your DoS Squad! It was I who
allowed the Alliance to know the IP of the open ports. It is quite
safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of BSA agents
awaits them.
Balmer's Son look darts from Gates to Balmer and, finally, to the iPod
in Gate's hand.
GATES: Oh...I'm afraid the firewall will be quite operational when
your friends' packets arrive.
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