am 02.04.2006 00:15:59 von Ludovic Joly

ITSEC is an interesting subject.

Could there be links between ITSEC and Art?

I'm interested in learning your oppinion.

Kind regards
Ludovic Joly

Re: ITSEC & Art

am 02.04.2006 05:06:27 von NETADMIN

Try this one

Re: ITSEC & Art

am 02.04.2006 18:14:04 von roberson

In article <>,
Ludovic Joly wrote:

>ITSEC is an interesting subject.

>Could there be links between ITSEC and Art?

There is a book out about IT Security being an "Art and Science".

If I recall correctly, there has been a non-trivial amount of
artistic work centered around encryption and chaos theory, which
provide the technical underpinings for ITSec. There is, however,
no truth to the rumour that the working title for one of
George Rodrigue's works was "Blue Dog and ISAKMP Phase 1".

I don't think that Art Linkletter ever had anything to do
with ITSec. I don't think Andrew Tanebaum's lesser-known brother
"Art" did either.