Apache, LDAP and SSL
am 04.04.2006 09:33:30 von Martin Klier
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Hi Admins,
has anyone ever made a configuration like this:
Apache 2.x.x, SSL and, most important, SSL-encrypted(!) LDAP auth against a=
Microcrap ActiveDirectory 2003?
Topday, Apache 2.0.x and 2.2.0 works, LDAP-agaist-AD works, SSL works, but =
I happily tried on SuSE10.0 (pre-built Apache, no LDAP SSL support built in=
so it's crap) and SLES9 (own-built Apache, with ldap modules with ssl/SASL)=
but there are always strange errors, most sounding like a non-available LDA=
server. But, indeed, the 3269 port is open there. Since I have no clue abou=
the windows box, I can't say any more about this side.
Is there any ressource in the world I can look on?=20
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i.A. Martin Klier
Systemadministration / Datenbanken
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A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger
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Re: Apache, LDAP and SSL
am 11.04.2006 21:03:13 von Jan Trautmann
Grüsse aus der Operpfalz :)=20
http://www.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/dienste/arbeiten-rechnen/lin ux/howtos/l=
There i found something about SSL and LDAP in german.=20
I=B4ve had tried a few time ago something simular but after a few hours=
decieded that it costs too much time to integrate this with M$ Active=20
Directory. I must say that i only have done this for playing and testin=
But i have often read in forums that there is a problem with M$ AD and =
LDAP in=20
the same way. I remember a possible solution that the M$ AD must be the=
an the Linux must be BPC but in this special case i can=B4t help much.
Maybe reply some more information like syslogs for the problem in SLES9=
Maybe you can get help in www.linuxforen.de (if you not already searche=
d or=20
asked there). In this forum i found this link=20
http://www.oo-services.com/de/articles/sso.aspx .
This is a Howto for making SSL and LDAP running with Active Directory 2=
I hope this could help you.
I think that the problem with not working LDAP in SLES9 is a configurat=
ion or=20
version problem maybe an new version of LDAP/Samba could help. I realy =
know which version is in SLES9 but in SuSe most times there are old and=
versions, this would be nothing new for me ;)=20
Best regards
Jan Martin Trautmann=20
Am Dienstag, 4. April 2006 09:33 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Admins,
> has anyone ever made a configuration like this:
> Apache 2.x.x, SSL and, most important, SSL-encrypted(!) LDAP auth aga=
inst a
> Microcrap ActiveDirectory 2003?
> Topday, Apache 2.0.x and 2.2.0 works, LDAP-agaist-AD works, SSL works=
, but
> not LDAPS.
> I happily tried on SuSE10.0 (pre-built Apache, no LDAP SSL support bu=
> in, so it's crap) and SLES9 (own-built Apache, with ldap modules with
> ssl/SASL), but there are always strange errors, most sounding like a
> non-available LDAP server. But, indeed, the 3269 port is open there. =
> I have no clue about the windows box, I can't say any more about this=
> Is there any ressource in the world I can look on?
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Re: Apache, LDAP and SSL
am 12.04.2006 08:32:57 von Martin Klier
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Hi Jan,
Am Dienstag 11 April 2006 21:03 schrieb Jan Trautmann:
> Grüsse aus der Operpfalz :)
Ja sauber :))
> I=B4ve had tried a few time ago something simular but after a few hours i
> decieded that it costs too much time to integrate this with M$ Active
> Directory. I must say that i only have done this for playing and testing.
> But i have often read in forums that there is a problem with M$ AD and LD=
> in the same way. I remember a possible solution that the M$ AD must be the
> PDC an the Linux must be BPC but in this special case i can=B4t help much.
In the meantime, I've integrated LDAP and M$ AD 2003, but, as said, without=
LDAPS. For an integration of LDAPS a Microsoft Certificate Server within th=
AD domain is absolutely neccessary, but AFAIK not so easy to set up. At the=
moment, I am waiting for our windows division to set up such a system, then=
will progress.=20
As soon as it fully works I will provide a description here.
Thanks so far.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i.A. Martin Klier
Systemadministration / Datenbanken
=2D--------------------------------------------------------- -------
A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger
Handels GmbH & Co. KG
Dr.-Kilian-Straße 4
D-92637 Weiden i. d. OPf.
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