looking for some (payd) help
am 05.04.2006 10:50:08 von hungarianHi
I am not sure if I am on the right spot here, if not please accept my excuse and please do not flame me till kingdom comes...
I am a bit of in a tight spot. I need a php mysql solution for the following situattion and I am simply to dump or busy, if not both to do it myself.I am willing to pay something for it but please not to much, because aside of me being busy and dumb I am not realy rich.
I am working for a company and because of several (health etc) reasons I am bound since some weeks to work home office. For doing that I need a programm which should run on a unix server(debian/samba) which what I can cooperate real time on a excel like file. There is no need for calkulation we use it just graphicaly for our time and equipement planning (to whom it may interesst I can send a sample file).
Please help me figuring this thing out (mostly done from the programmers side because as mentioned I am quite unable to do anything myself) so I can still do my job and keeping my income. Otherways I face being layd of. I do not blame my boss....it was not his fault.
So if anyone can help please leave a message here
Thanks you all for your help
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