Mysql data copy HELP

Mysql data copy HELP

am 06.04.2006 13:57:52 von dejan


Sorry for my terreble english.
I have mysql table1 on my local comp. It looks something like this.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
broj_tel | poruka | sifra |
grad | id |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
+385912701600 0 Zprod rijeka
5 |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
+385912701699 1 kprod crikvenica
3 |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

On the remote server (web hosting) i have table2 looking something like

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
id_independant | Name | Surname | broj_tel
| poruka |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
--------- |
11122 Martin Johnes
+385912701600 1 |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
16163 John Doe
+385912701699 0 |
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

Question: I nead periodicly (some scheduler, my concern) to make something
like this:

select * from table1
insert into table2 (poruka) whare table1.broj_tel = table2.broj_tel

To read the data from table1, and inserts into table2 coloumn poruka whare
tabel1.broj_tel i equal table2.broj_tel
Problem is that the data is in diferent databases.

Any ideas?
Tnx in advance