Security Event Correlation

Security Event Correlation

am 13.04.2006 01:48:49 von mr_mustard


I am looking to evaluation several Security Event Correlation
appliances. Right now, we are looking at Cisco MARS, Symantec SIM,
TriGeo, Checkpoint Eventia and Network Intelligence. Does anyone have
experience with any of these products or evaluating these products for
purchase? It's a substantial purchase, so we are doing a lot of
research. But my research does not show a lot of independant
comparisons or case studies on these products. Any assistance would be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Rad Billy

Re: Security Event Correlation

am 26.04.2006 18:33:44 von Dataway

Hi Billy,

I may be able to help you. Depending on what precisely you are trying
to do, some of the products you mentioned are better than others. My
company is a Check Point, Cisco, and Juniper partner, and we have
extensive experience with both Eventia and MARS. In fact, we have a
MARS 100e that we let customers try out for a short time to kick the
tires. I can chat with you on the phone or email you more info if you
like, let me know.

