[RDBO] ANNOUNCE: Rose::DB::Object 0.71 released

[RDBO] ANNOUNCE: Rose::DB::Object 0.71 released

am 14.04.2006 21:29:42 von John Siracusa

This is an important bug fix release for all RDBO users. There are no
new dependencies, but I also released a minor revision of Rose::DB.
Files sent to CPAN and on SF.net now:


Changes listed below.



0.71 (04.14.2006) - John Siracusa

* Correctly clear the "in the database" state flag when a
speculative load fails because the object was not found.
(Reported indirectly by Svilen Ivanov)
* Changed how multi-table queries are formulated for SQLite in
order to make the new DBD::SQLite version (1.12) happy.
* Fixed errors in the epoch column documentation.
* Fixed some internal method-maker bugs.


0.672 (04.14.2006) - John Siracusa

* Translate Postgres's "real" type to the standard "float" type.
(Patch from Lucian Dragus)

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