short text strings with apostrophes and forms

short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 17:56:25 von jeffreyb

I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
puts it into a web form for users to modify.

One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
after the apostrophe disappears.

For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...

Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday

and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a

The text field on the web page will only contain...

Fix the managers

How can I get the text field to show the entire string?

Many thanks,


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Re: short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 18:06:41 von Charlie van de Kerkhof

Hi Jeffrey,

try this:
print " value='".htmlspecialchars($some_text)."'>\n";

- Charlie

On 20 Apr 2006, at 17:56, Jeffrey wrote:
> I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table
> and puts it into a web form for users to modify.
> One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
> field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all
> text after the apostrophe disappears.
> For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
> Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
> and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in
> a form...
> The text field on the web page will only contain...
> Fix the managers
> How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
> Many thanks,
> Jeffrey

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RE: short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 18:07:44 von Richard Leclair

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You could try enclosing the string in the HTML line by double-quotes rather
than single quotes.


Richie !


From: Jeffrey []
Sent: Thursday, 20 April 2006 11:56 pm
Subject: [PHP-DB] short text strings with apostrophes and forms

I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
puts it into a web form for users to modify.

One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
after the apostrophe disappears.

For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...

Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday

and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a

The text field on the web page will only contain...

Fix the managers

How can I get the text field to show the entire string?

Many thanks,


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Re: short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 18:21:05 von Luis M Morales C


I suggest use htmlentities/html_entity_decode functions. For example to
update the db with values use:

$myCol = htmlentities($mycol_value);

Ej: query

$query = "update my_table set myCol='{$myCol}' where id = 'id_val'";

Now when your application restore the data from the db you can use:

$mycol_value = html_entity_decode ($myCol);

$mycol_value: is the value from html form
$myCol: is the name of your colum's table to update in your query.

Good luck,


Luis Morales

On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 17:56 +0200, Jeffrey wrote:
> I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
> puts it into a web form for users to modify.
> One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
> field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
> after the apostrophe disappears.
> For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
> Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
> and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a
> form...
> The text field on the web page will only contain...
> Fix the managers
> How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
> Many thanks,
> Jeffrey
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------
Luis Morales
Consultor de Tecnologia
Cel: +(58)416-4242091
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"Empieza por hacer lo necesario, luego lo que es posible... y de pronto
estarás haciendo lo imposible"
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Re: short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 18:26:39 von dpgirago

> I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
> puts it into a web form for users to modify.
> One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
> field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
> after the apostrophe disappears.
> For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
> Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
> and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a
> form...
> The text field on the web page will only contain...
> Fix the managers
> How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
> Many thanks,
> Jeffrey

htmlentities($some_text, ENT_QUOTES) is more robust than htmlspecialchars


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Re: short text strings with apostrophes and forms

am 20.04.2006 21:45:58 von jeffreyb wrote:
>>I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
>>puts it into a web form for users to modify.
>>One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
>>field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
>>after the apostrophe disappears.
>>For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...
>>Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday
>>and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a
>>The text field on the web page will only contain...
>>Fix the managers
>>How can I get the text field to show the entire string?
>>Many thanks,
> htmlentities($some_text, ENT_QUOTES) is more robust than htmlspecialchars
> ();
> David
Thanks, David. That did the trick. And thanks to everyone else who
quickly responded with intelligent advice!


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