Bigfoot update

Bigfoot update

am 21.04.2006 01:47:33 von Sam

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> Two weeks ago, the Berita Harian newspaper reported that a young Bigfoot
> was caught by a group of men thought to be from the Wildlife and National
> Parks Department (Perhilitan) near the southern town of Kota Tinggi.
> However, the department's director-general Datuk Musa Nordin denies the
> report, saying "During the period reported, Perhilitan did not mount any
> operation in the area."

I agree. Bigfoot, a.k.a. The Usenet Beavis, is alive and well, and is
posting to Usenet.

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Re: Bigfoot update

am 21.04.2006 08:20:48 von Alan Connor

On comp.mail.misc, in , "Sam" wrote:>

Followup to the kook group ignored. "Sam"? No one but effing
nitwit trolls has any interest in that group.

My newsfilter killfiles any articles crossposted there.

But I can see why you think your posts belong there. First you
keep posting a list of questions you want some cartoon character
to respond to, and now you are posting Bigfoot reports even
though you don't do anything but sit on your fat butt and pollute
the Internet under dozens if not hundreds of aliases.

I guess they must be sneaking into the city and scratching on
your window, right?


"Sam" is one of these utterly clueless and obnoxious jerks that
makes the Usenet the schitthole it is.

I still remember the first time he posted to me, out of the blue,
and for no reason that I could see, he/she/it started posting
these juvenile and bitchy insults to me. They didn't even make

And not only that, but he/she/it obviously expected me to just
go on reading them forever.

When I quit reading "Sam's" articles, he'd just start in with
another sockpuppet (I didn't even know what a troll was at
the time.)

And then he started following me around the Usenet, harassing
me under various aliases.

But that was years ago. I haven't read one of his articles in
years, nor any responses to them unto the Nth generation.

No matter what alias the pathetic twerp is hiding behind at
the moment.

If you want to know why I am the way I am, you can thank "Sam"
in a large part.

He did teach me how to deal with the dimwit trolls.

"Sam"? I'm still here. I do what I want and I don't read your
digital farts and you simply have no choice but to live with

Post anything you want, anytime you want and watch me do my
thing while you wear a 99% gag when you are in my newsreader.

You better hope that no one ever emails me and tells me that
if I don't read one of your articles that you'll die.

Because you'd die.

And the only thing I'd notice is that my downloads didn't
stink as much anymore.

You reap what you sow "Sam". Too bad you don't have the sense
to recognize utter defeat when you encounter it.

Because I defeated you years ago when I gagged your stinking
punk mouth.


Other URLs of possible interest in my headers.

Re: Bigfoot update

am 21.04.2006 12:58:51 von Sam

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Usenet Beavis writes:

> On comp.mail.misc, in , "Sam" wrote:

> Followup to the kook group ignored.

Your ability to ignore followups is very impressive, Beavis.

> "Sam"? No one but effing
> nitwit trolls has any interest in that group.

And that's precisely why you need to begin posting in that group, Beavis.

> My newsfilter killfiles any articles crossposted there.

Very nice, Beavis, except that my message was not crossposted there.
Another example of Beavis's legendary knowledge of Internet protoocls.

> though you don't do anything but sit on your fat butt and pollute
> the Internet under dozens if not hundreds of aliases.

Beavis, would you mind listing all my aliases for me? I'm having hard time
keeping track of them all.
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