where to place the PHP scripts...
am 27.04.2006 15:32:33 von richelle e argones
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This is my first time to use PostgreSQL database engine, and i don't have
any idea where to put the PHP scripts so PostgreSQL can recognize the
commands. Where in Apache should i place my PHP scripts? In what specific
i am using Apache version 1.3.28 as my server and my PHP is version 4.1.1. =
Apache and PHP is a part of PHPtriad which has also MySQL. Is it necessary
for me to have an Apache server and PHP separate from PHPtriad? If so, what
versions of Apache and PHP should i use?
The version of PostgreSQL that i installed in my WindowsXP machine is 8.0.
Please help. Thank you.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
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This is my first time to use PostgreSQL database engine, and i don't h=
ave any idea where to put the PHP scripts so PostgreSQL can recognize the c=
ommands. Where in Apache should i place my PHP scripts? In what specific fo=
i am using Apache version 1.3.28 as my server and my PHP is versi=
on 4.1.1. My Apache and PHP is a part of PHPtriad which has also =
MySQL. Is it necessary for me to have an Apache server and PHP separat=
e from PHPtriad? If so, what versions of Apache and PHP should i =
The version of PostgreSQL that i installed in my WindowsXP machine is =
Please help. Thank you.
Re: where to place the PHP scripts...
am 27.04.2006 15:51:12 von kmh496
2006-04-27 (¸ñ), 21:32 +0800, richelle e argones ¾²½Ã±æ:
> hi!=20
> =20
> This is my first time to use PostgreSQL database engine, and i don't
> have any idea where to put the PHP scripts so PostgreSQL can recognize
> the commands. Where in Apache should i place my PHP scripts? In what
> specific folder?
find httpd.conf which should be in c:\program_files \ apache \ apache2 \
conf \ X!!
or somethign similar.
do a search for DocumentRoot and that is where the php scripts should be
> =20
> i am using Apache version 1.3.28 as my server and my PHP is version
> 4.1.1. My Apache and PHP is a part of PHPtriad which has
> also MySQL. Is it necessary for me to have an Apache server and PHP
> separate from PHPtriad? If so, what versions of Apache and PHP should
> i use?=20
> =20
you need to try to run a simple pg_connect query to see if the command
was recognized.
some sample is like this
$connection =3D pg_Connect ("dbname=3Dtest port=3D5432 user=3Dwebuser pas=
if($connection == 0)
die("Connection failed\n");
$sql =3D "select nextval('mysequence');";
$result=3Dpg_Exec($connection, $sql);=20
$row =3D pg_fetch_row($result, 0);
$number =3D $row[0];
echo $number;
please try that or something similar. use google, find code.
> The version of PostgreSQL that i installed in my WindowsXP machine is
> 8.0.
> =20
php needs compiled-in support for postgresql, though, probably some dll
or other.
> Please help. Thank you.
my site wa=
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