IIS 6.0 Hide Domain Name during Authentication

IIS 6.0 Hide Domain Name during Authentication

am 28.04.2006 18:47:01 von Chris


I am in the process of deploying out SQL Reporting Services. Is there a way
that I can hide the domain name or the server name when the popup box appears
during authentication?

Re: IIS 6.0 Hide Domain Name during Authentication

am 30.04.2006 04:37:29 von Ken Schaefer

Not really - this is a function of the browser, not the server.

I suppose you could write your own browser :-)


"Chris" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am in the process of deploying out SQL Reporting Services. Is there a
> way
> that I can hide the domain name or the server name when the popup box
> appears
> during authentication?

Re: IIS 6.0 Hide Domain Name during Authentication

am 01.05.2006 04:24:44 von someone

"Hiding" items displayed by the browser (like the popup login dialog box)
depends on the Client, not Server.

And whether you need to input the domain name depends on the Authentication
protocol, independent of the Server.

If you don't want users remembering domains, then I suggest you set up and
use UPN with Windows because then users only need to enter:

Which if you match that up with the user's email address, users only need to
remember one user id, ever.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Chris" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am in the process of deploying out SQL Reporting Services. Is there a
> way
> that I can hide the domain name or the server name when the popup box
> appears
> during authentication?

Re: IIS 6.0 Hide Domain Name during Authentication

am 02.05.2006 06:29:29 von Roger Abell

For the IE client you can control what is shown in the banner of the
authentication dialog AFAIK only to the extent that you define what
is the A resource record for the IP. If you make the DNS name
(fqdn) that the users already see in the URL the A rather than a
CNAME resource record, then you mask their seeing the other
name for the server.

"Chris" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am in the process of deploying out SQL Reporting Services. Is there a
> way
> that I can hide the domain name or the server name when the popup box
> appears
> during authentication?