HELP!! Renewing Certificate Error "keyset does not exist"
am 03.05.2006 16:57:46 von ltcv28Hello,
I have been working on this issue for about two weeks now and I can not
seem to figure out a solution. I am trying to renew my certificate on
iis 5 and I am getting the "keyset does not exist error." Right now I
am running Windows 2000 but when I installed the certificate initially
I was running NT4.0. I am not sure if that is what is causing the
problem or not. We have the latest service packs for Windows 2000 and
everything is current. I have tried resetting the permisions under the
machine keys folder, etc. and it still didnt work. Our CA is Verisign
and they dont seem to know what the problem is either. I have read
through all the forums and I still can't find an answer. If someone
could please help me I would greatly appreciate it.