Windows authentication - Display page

Windows authentication - Display page

am 04.05.2006 00:31:01 von Rosie25

I have been using Windows authentication for my web applications and it all
works fine however the powers that be are not happy with the page that
displays if a user is not able to access the page. I have not been able to
find anything to tell me how to change this so I was wondering if it is
possible to change the page that is displayed when authentication fails, so
can have a "personalised" not authorised page rather than the IE default?

Re: Windows authentication - Display page

am 04.05.2006 09:47:42 von Miha Pihler


Create your own error page in htm or html or even asp if you want and follow
instructions below.

Open IIS MMC on server where you host your website. Now right click on the
site where your page is running and select Properties. Here click the
"Custom Errors" tab and scroll down to Error 401.2 which is the error that
you would get if you supply incorrect credentials. Click on this Error and
click Edit. Here enter the path to your own error page that you created in
first step (above).

Microsoft MVP - Windows Security

"Rosie25" wrote in message
>I have been using Windows authentication for my web applications and it all
> works fine however the powers that be are not happy with the page that
> displays if a user is not able to access the page. I have not been able to
> find anything to tell me how to change this so I was wondering if it is
> possible to change the page that is displayed when authentication fails,
> so
> can have a "personalised" not authorised page rather than the IE default?