SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

am 04.05.2006 09:18:02 von Frederik Vanderhaeghe


How can I make my own SSL certificates without sending them to VeriSign?


Re: SSL Certificates

am 04.05.2006 09:41:15 von Miha Pihler


You can either set up your own CA server or use SelfSSL tool from IIS 6
Resource Kit. If you decide to use SelfSSL tool, you don't have to set up
your own CA server.

You can download it for free here...

The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools

Microsoft MVP - Windows Security

"Frederik Vanderhaeghe" wrote in message
> Hi,
> How can I make my own SSL certificates without sending them to VeriSign?
> Fré

Re: SSL Certificates

am 07.05.2006 00:19:31 von sefe dery

How secure is that?

Miha Pihler [MVP] schrieb:
> Hi,
> You can either set up your own CA server or use SelfSSL tool from IIS 6
> Resource Kit. If you decide to use SelfSSL tool, you don't have to set up
> your own CA server.
> You can download it for free here...
> The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools

Re: SSL Certificates

am 08.05.2006 19:04:58 von Miha Pihler

Compared to what and which part are you worried about? SelfSSL tool uses
standard algorithms to generate keys (e.g. sha1).
Well tool is still meant for testing purposes and is not meant to be used in

If you want to set up your own Microsoft CA server, here are some resources

Best Practices for Implementing a Microsoft Windows Server2003 Public Key
Infrastructure 03/technologies/security/ws3pkibp.mspx

Implementing and Administering Certificate Templates in Windows Server 2003 03/technologies/security/ws03crtm.mspx

PKI Enhancements in Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 kienh.mspx

Windows Server 2003 PKI Operations Guide 03/technologies/security/ws03pkog.mspx

Managing a Windows Server 2003 Public Key Infrastructure 03/technologies/security/mngpki.mspx

Advanced Certificate Enrollment and Management 03/technologies/security/advcert.mspx

Microsoft MVP - Windows Security

"sefe dery" wrote in message
> How secure is that?
> sefer
> Miha Pihler [MVP] schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> You can either set up your own CA server or use SelfSSL tool from IIS 6
>> Resource Kit. If you decide to use SelfSSL tool, you don't have to set up
>> your own CA server.
>> You can download it for free here...
>> The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools