Improve SELECT command
am 12.05.2006 17:01:54 von Stefaan LhermitteDear MySQL-ians,
I perform a SELECT on my database, but it takes over a minute for every
run. I have to run it over 10000 times (with different values in the
WHERE), so it takes way too long. A was therefore wondering if I could
improve the query speed. Below you find the query. It is based on the
ratio between a pixel (pix) vs. the average of its neighbourhood (from
geo) in the same table (vgt) based on additional requirements
Any comment on the query/design is welcome.
SELECT vgt.obs,pix.NDVI/AVG(vgt.NDVI)
FROM vgtData.VGT as pix,
(vgt.meta_gsc_2000 as mgsc RIGHT JOIN vgt.gsc2000 as gsc ON
gsc.gsc2000_XX =
INNER JOIN vgt.geo_1000 as geo ON =
INNER JOIN vgtData.VGT as vgt ON =
INNER JOIN vgt.v_ecoclim AS eco ON =
INNER JOIN (vgt.gba2000 as gba LEFT JOIN vgt.meta_gba_2000 as mgba ON
gba.gba2000_XX = ON
WHERE pix.obs = vgt.obs
AND = 200265
AND vgt.obs > 55
AND vgt.obs <= 127
AND (geo.X_coord BETWEEN 1525 AND 1545)
AND (geo.Y_coord BETWEEN 110 AND 130)
AND mgba.burnt=0
AND mgsc.burnt=0
AND eco.v_landcov=3
AND eco.v_lowreb=10
AND vgt.B<27
AND vgt.SWIR<250
AND pix.B<27
AND pix.SWIR<250
GROUP BY vgt.obs;
The EXPLAIN command gives me the following result:
table type possible_keys key len ref
rows Extra
----- ------ -------------------------- -------- -- --------------
----- --------------------------------------------
eco ref PRIMARY,v_landcov,v_lowreb v_lowreb 3 const
17021 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
geo eq_ref PRIMARY,X_coord,Y_coord PRIMARY 3 1
Using where
gsc eq_ref PRIMARY,gsc2000_XX PRIMARY 3 1
mgsc eq_ref PRIMARY,burnt PRIMARY 3 gsc.gsc2000_XX 1
Using where
vgt ref id,obs id 4 1
Using where
pix ref id,obs id 4 const 156
Using where
gba eq_ref PRIMARY,gba2000_XX PRIMARY 3 1
mgba eq_ref PRIMARY,burnt PRIMARY 3 gba.gba2000_XX 1
Using where
and the tables look like;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
----- -------------------- ---- --- ------- ------
id mediumint(8) unsigned YES MUL (null)
obs tinyint(4) unsigned YES MUL (null)
B tinyint(4) unsigned YES (null)
SWIR tinyint(4) unsigned YES (null)
NDVI tinyint(4) unsigned YES (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
------ --------------------- ---- --- ------- ---------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
X_coord smallint(6) unsigned YES MUL (null)
Y_coord smallint(7) unsigned YES MUL (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
--------- --------------------- ---- --- ------- ---------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
v_lowreb smallint(7) YES MUL (null)
v_landcov smallint(7) YES MUL (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
---------- --------------------- ---- --- ------- ---------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
gba2000_XX smallint(7) unsigned YES MUL (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
----- --------------------- ---- ---- ------- --------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
burnt tinyint(1) YES MUL (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
---------- --------------------- ---- --- ------- ---------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
gsc2000_XX smallint(7) unsigned YES MUL (null)
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
----- --------------------- ---- ---- ------- --------
id mediumint(8) unsigned PRI (null) auto_incr
burnt tinyint(1) YES MUL (null)
I am introducing indexes on vgtData.SWIR and vgtData.B but they have a
very low cardinality, so I assume it won't make a big difference.
Does anyone has a suggestion to make it faster?
Thanx in advance and kind regards,