HTTPS : Secured and non secured item with absolute path

HTTPS : Secured and non secured item with absolute path

am 15.05.2006 14:13:25 von trihanhcie


I have a which needs to be put in a secured
page. For example on amazon when the confirmation page is displayed...
The problem is that it's a secured page (https) and my tag is an
absolute path... It looks like it's the problem because the tag is not
secured. What are the possible solution to display the image without
the warning message?


Re: HTTPS : Secured and non secured item with absolute path

am 15.05.2006 16:46:20 von Funkadyleik Spynwhanker

wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a which needs to be put in a secured
> page. For example on amazon when the confirmation page is displayed...
> The problem is that it's a secured page (https) and my tag is an
> absolute path... It looks like it's the problem because the tag is not
> secured. What are the possible solution to display the image without
> the warning message?
> Thanks

There is no solution aside from "don't do that".

Don't call stuff from a different server from a secured page. (Or put up
with the errors.) It is precisely that activity that certificates are
designed to display as a security measure.

If you absolutely need the image, you need to add it to your web.

Re: HTTPS : Secured and non secured item with absolute path

am 15.05.2006 17:33:02 von Roger Abell

All parts of a SSL secured page (i.e. your image) should be sourced
by an https uri on the same website, else the browser will, correctly,
given the mixed content (or cross site) warnings or will disallow the
sourced content, depending on browser settings.

wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a which needs to be put in a secured
> page. For example on amazon when the confirmation page is displayed...
> The problem is that it's a secured page (https) and my tag is an
> absolute path... It looks like it's the problem because the tag is not
> secured. What are the possible solution to display the image without
> the warning message?
> Thanks