SMAC 2.0 is released! MAC Address Spoofer

SMAC 2.0 is released! MAC Address Spoofer

am 19.05.2006 03:42:52 von yabi

SMAC 2.0 - MAC Address Spoofer

SMAC 2.0 Free Download URL:

SMAC 2.0 is released!

SMAC is a powerful, yet an easy-to-use and intuitive Windows MAC
Address Changer which allows users to spoof MAC address for almost any
Network Interface Cards (NIC) on the Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server
systems, regardless of whether the manufacturers allow this option or

SMAC 2.0 Features:

- Change MAC Address with 3 clicks:
--- Click to select a network adapter
--- Click "Random" to generate a MAC Address to spoof
--- Click "Update MAC" to change and activate new MAC Address

- Protect your personal privacy by hiding the real MAC Address of your
Network Adapters

- Easy, intuitive, and user-friendly GUI for viewing and changing MAC

- Allow users the option to set the network adapter to automatically
restart after MAC Address spoofing, or manually restart

- Displays the following information of your Network Interface Card

o Device ID
o Active Status
o NIC description
o NIC Manufacturer
o Spoofed status (Yes/No)
o IP Address
o Active MAC addresses
o Spoofed MAC Address
o NIC Hardware ID
o NIC Configuration ID

- Displays the Network Adapter manufacturer associated with the New Spoofed
MAC Address

- Generate random MAC Addresses to spoof

- Option to display detailed information of all available adapters, or ONLY
the active network adapters

- Display Network and IP Configuration (IPConfig) information with 1 button

- View up to 10 Most Recently Used (MRU) MAC Addresses and select a new
Spoofed MAC Address directly from the MRU list

- Load a MAC Address List and choose New Spoofed MAC Address directly from
the list

- Create comprehensive reports on Network Adapter details

- Built-in logging capability allows users to track MAC address change

- Remove spoofed MAC Address to restore original MAC Address


Why use SMAC?

-Protect Personal and Individual Privacy by cloning a different MAC
Address. Many organizations track wired or wireless network users via
their MAC Addresses... In addition, there are more and more wifi
Wireless connections available these days, and Wireless network is all
based on the MAC Addresses, therefore, wireless network security and
privacy is all about MAC Addresses!

-Perform Security Vulnerability Testing. Penetration Testing on MAC
Address based Authentication and Authorization Systems, i.e. Wireless
Access Points. (Disclaimer: Authorization to perform these tests must
be obtained from the system owner(s).)

-Build "TRUE" Stand-by (offline) systems with the EXACTLY THE SAME
ComputerName, IP, and MAC ADDRESSES as the Primary Systems. If
Stand-by systems should be put online, NO ARP table refresh is
necessary, which eliminates any possible ARP related issues that could
cause extra downtime.

-Some online Game Players (Gamers) require changing the MAC addresses
to fix IP problems for some reasons...

-Build High-Availability solutions. For example, some firewalls that
run on multi-port NIC's (i.e. quad port NIC) require the same MAC
address for every port to achieve fail-over.

-Troubleshoot Network problems. ARP Tables, Routering, Switching, ...

-Troubleshoot system problems

-Test network management tools

-Test incident response procedures on simulated network problems

-Test Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), whether they are Host and
Network Based IDS.

-If for whatever reason you need to keep the same MAC address as your
old NIC, but your old NIC failed...

-Some software can ONLY be installed and run on the systems with
pre-defined MAC address in the license file. If you need to install
one of these software to another system with a different Network
Interface Card (NIC) because your system or NIC is broken, SMAC will
come handy. However, you are responsible to comply with the software
vendor's licensing agreement.

-Some Cable Modem ISP's assign users the IP addresses base on the PC's
MAC addresses. For whatever reason, if you need to swap 2 PC's
regularly to connect to the cable modem, it would be a lot easier to
change the MAC addresses rather than to change Network Interface Card
(NIC). (You need to check with your ISP and make sure you are not
violating any service agreements.)
