Certificate Authority guidance requested

Certificate Authority guidance requested

am 23.05.2006 00:31:01 von SteveB

I need to purchase and install a security certificate from one of the
Certificate Authorities. Does anyone have recommendations re specific CAs
that are good to work with (or not)? What do you believe are the most
important criteria for evaluating a CA? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Re: Certificate Authority guidance requested

am 23.05.2006 10:42:22 von Miha Pihler


What would you use this certificate for? For SSL or ...?

I usually use Thawte or Verisign. Thawte is owned by Verisign but cheaper.

Microsoft MVP - Windows Security

"Steve B." wrote in message
>I need to purchase and install a security certificate from one of the
> Certificate Authorities. Does anyone have recommendations re specific CAs
> that are good to work with (or not)? What do you believe are the most
> important criteria for evaluating a CA? Thanks in advance for any
> assistance.

Re: Certificate Authority guidance requested

am 24.05.2006 00:26:01 von SteveB

Sorry for the delay in responding; the newsgroup has been unavailable most of
the day.

Yes, the security certificate will be for SSL - I am developing an
application that will require a secure connection.

Thanks again.