looking for stock management help

looking for stock management help

am 25.05.2006 15:59:51 von Oliver Weichhold

I am trying to make a stock management system, a simple one with basic
functions. The stock will have date, product#, product color (each product
will have many colors), total stock corresponding to each product# & color,
and add to stock, subtract from stock (which automatically does the changes
in total).
so, it looks like:
date product# total
01.02 11 200

and a detail page that does all the job
date product# color
add subtract total
01.02 11 red
10 100
01.02 11 blue

Now how to do so that on first page, only product# and total is shown that
corresponds to last the last time stock for this product was changed. On
second page, all colors of this product & total is shown, plus form to add
or subtract the stock that on submit will update the total.
The date is used to see the history datewise. Maybe an export to excel later
on will be added.
Total number of products are unknown and each product can have different
numbers of colors.
Please help with some logic, I am out of ideas. All php and mysql table
structure & logic will help.
Any webpages where I can read something that will be useful?