Require Client Certificates and blank page

Require Client Certificates and blank page

am 02.06.2006 15:53:02 von dsz

Hi all

I have big problems with the Option "Require Client Certificates" in IIS. We
have enabled SSL and user client certificates with this option.

The problem: Often, when a User initiate a postback in an ASP.NET 1.1
Application, the page returns immediately with a blank page. But sometimes
the Postback works perfectly. This happens on different client machines all
with IE 6.

When we configure IIS with Option "Ignore client Certificate" it works

Any ideas?


RE: Require Client Certificates and blank page

am 04.06.2006 21:40:01 von dsz

I find that on this Newsgroup: t.aspx? 5e1-d2ac-4e7a-976e-ef20fe2f37d6&sloc=en-us

I have the same effects and also status-code 413.

RE: Require Client Certificates and blank page

am 09.08.2006 17:48:03 von jigs4u4ever


Status code 413 comes when the client send too long request to the web
server which the web server failed to understand. Make sure your
webapplication works fine withour SSL certs. if it does it must work fine
with SSL certs.

Thanks & Regards

"Daniel Schmitz" wrote:

> I find that on this Newsgroup:
> t.aspx? 5e1-d2ac-4e7a-976e-ef20fe2f37d6&sloc=en-us
> I have the same effects and also status-code 413.