Paging with PHP?
am 06.06.2006 21:45:12 von Laphan
Hi All
Apols for my volley of questions that will be winging their way to this NG,
but I'm a ASP programmer moving over to the dark side :0)
My first question is, is it possible to page data using PHP like you can
with ASP?
I'm sure it is as I used to use oRSV.GetRows in ASP to get the whole
recordset into an array and then work on it using divisions, mods and
things, but I don't know if it is easier or harder in PHP.
Can you help?
Re: Paging with PHP?
am 07.06.2006 01:21:46 von Virginner
"Laphan" wrote in message
| Hi All
| Apols for my volley of questions that will be winging their way to this
| but I'm a ASP programmer moving over to the dark side :0)
Welcome to the light....
| My first question is, is it possible to page data using PHP like you can
| with ASP?
Yes, but better, faster, more open, less hassle etc.
| I'm sure it is as I used to use oRSV.GetRows in ASP to get the whole
| recordset into an array and then work on it using divisions, mods and
| things, but I don't know if it is easier or harder in PHP.
Just go to and download the manual. I'm assuming you're talking
about getting data from a database? In which case which one? With PHP you
can use 'em all. Simply use the appropriate functions, eg.
mysql_fetch_array and juggle as normal...