Re: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements

Re: [PHP-DB] Generating forms and form elements

am 20.06.2006 21:37:15 von Mark Fellowes

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ï»=BFPHP code to generate HTML markup. Or maybe just HTML code and=
then have the php generate it from the makrup in the table ? Mark=
=0A-----Original Message-----=0AFrom:
nt: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:49 PM -07:00=0ATo: Mark Fellowes [Zanoni@go=]=0ACc: [PHP-DB] Generating forms=
and form elements =0AMark Fellows previously described:=0A> Hi,=
Hitting up the list for maybe a decent link(s) or pointers.=0A> I need=
to figure out how to generate forms and form elements from=0A> php code=
inside database tables. Hope this makes sense. It's not=0A> a complete=
picture of what I need to do but the first step I'll need to=0Atake.=0A=
=0ADo you mean you want to store PHP code or HTML markup in the DB?=0A=
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