am 28.06.2006 12:28:15 von tenrohPozdrawiam,
"Przeznaczenie - wymówka g³upca w chwili klêski",
Is here anyone who could help beginner with checking some www site with
authorization. It looks like this:
I connect to -> open this page and find HIDDEN field
with something like hash -> convert value from Hidden field to URL
encoding -> POST &password=mypassword
-> after that I should receive two cookies: sessionID and userID, but
nothing like this happenes. I recived only one cookie -> then I should
be able to get rest of the pages(after succesfull auth.).
use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use CGI;
my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new(
file => 'f:\cooki.txt',
autosave => 1,
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(cookie_jar=>$cj);
my $odp = $ua->post('');
my $tekst = $odp->content;
my $mzz = index($tekst,'__VIEWSTATE'); #VIEWSTATE is this hidden field
my $mzz = index($tekst,"\"",($mzz+length('__VIEWSTATE')+1));
my $mzzz = index($tekst,"\"",($mzz+1));
my $vs = substr ($tekst,($mzz+1),($mzzz-$mzz-1));
my $vs = CGI::escape($vs);
my $odp =
$ua->post(' user=myuser&password=mypassword');
print $odp->content;
Print prints content of I've tried to print
$cj->extract_cookies( $odp ), but I've recived only HASH with adress.