sql+php help
am 10.07.2006 05:19:29 von dejanhy
I have two mysql servers. One is on my local comp (localhost) and the other
is something.com
Creating simple php script to do this...
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
$db1 = mysql_connect("something.com", "username", "pass") or die("Could not
die("no db");
if(!mysql_select_db("smjestaj",$db1)) die("No database selected.");
$db2 = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "pass") or die("Could not
die("no db");
if(!mysql_select_db("smjestaj",$db2)) die("No database selected.");
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
i nead to execute this query on my local comp's web server.
update table2
set zauzetost = t1.zauzetost
from table2 t2, table1 t1
where t2.id = t1.id
table2 is on remote server, table1 is on local comp.
How to do this? I'm poor coder, so...
tnx in advance on your brain cells.