Application freezes after connection is dead
am 20.07.2006 16:24:39 von rhu--Alt-Boundary-5992.289331546
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Problem description:
I use unixODBC-2.2.8-55 containing the driver manager MyODBC-unixODBC-3.51=
within a SuSE Linux 9.1 (i586) operating system.
I create handles to open a "permanent" connection to a MySQL database with=
in an application (in this case a middleware). I send SQL-Statements via t=
his connection and
receives an answer for each of them. This all works fine.
Then I simulate a problem with the LINUX command:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port mysql --source -=
which interrupts the connection (I close the listening port of the databas=
Trying the next SQL-Request with SQLExecDirect leads to a "frozen" applica=
tion, i.e. the
function SQLExecDirect never returns.
O.K., then I try to implement a workaround, i.e. I implement a timeout for=
the call of
SQLExecDirect to catch the frozen status of the function including a long =
jump to a function
to clean up the situation. It means I call SQLDisconnect(). But now this f=
unction never
returns, so the system is frozen again.
O.K. then I forget the clean up and try to establish a new connection with=
SQLConnect and
new handles. But again: the function freezes.
As a summary: After the connection is dead, every action on one of the obj=
ects (the
deallocation of the handles or a call of SQLDisconnect, SQLConnect, ...) r=
egarding the
connection leads to a non-responding application.
First question: Is there anybody who can tell me how to catch this situati=
Second question: The usage of
sqlReturn =3D SQLGetEnvAttr(this->envHandle, SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD,
&lConnectionStatus, sizeof(SQLINTEGER), NULL=
leads in any case to sqlReturn=3DSQL_ERROR
Thanks in advance for your help.
Reinhard Hüttermann
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HaCon Ing.-Ges. mbH Hannover, Germany