can this be done easily

can this be done easily

am 01.08.2006 21:46:35 von om


I have a AD network with 3 2003 DCs. Most of our workstations are
attached to the domain while only 40 PCs are non-domain machines.

What I would like to do is to allow all non-domain PCs to be able to
access one shared folder in one of the member server within the domain
using one particular user account.

I created a group called nondomainuser and put a newly created user
account into the group. I removed this user from the domain users group
so it only belong to the nondomainuser group. On the shared folder, I
setup the Share/NTFS permission so that only the nondomainuser group
have read access to it. With this setup, the user is able to access the
shared folder without problem. However, this account is also able to
access shared folders that are accessible by the members in the domain
users group which is something I don't want. The thing that I don't
understand is this user account is not a member of the domain users, but
he is still able to access shared folders that are for members of the
domain users.

Can someone advice me if there is any simple solution for such problem?



Re: can this be done easily

am 02.08.2006 21:17:15 von Roger Abell

This apparently has nothing to do with topic of this newsgroup.
Apparently the folders to which the account does have access
but should not have grants to more than just Domain Users but
you did not say to what those shares are granted.

"OM" wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a AD network with 3 2003 DCs. Most of our workstations are attached
> to the domain while only 40 PCs are non-domain machines.
> What I would like to do is to allow all non-domain PCs to be able to
> access one shared folder in one of the member server within the domain
> using one particular user account.
> I created a group called nondomainuser and put a newly created user
> account into the group. I removed this user from the domain users group so
> it only belong to the nondomainuser group. On the shared folder, I setup
> the Share/NTFS permission so that only the nondomainuser group have read
> access to it. With this setup, the user is able to access the shared
> folder without problem. However, this account is also able to access
> shared folders that are accessible by the members in the domain users
> group which is something I don't want. The thing that I don't understand
> is this user account is not a member of the domain users, but he is still
> able to access shared folders that are for members of the domain users.
> Can someone advice me if there is any simple solution for such problem?
> Thanks
> OM