Anoying SQL problem
am 13.08.2006 21:34:41 von BI have a problem with the below SQL I want to return hirers and their
related details for accounts they have.
But in my several WHERE clauses that I use, I check fields in the
arrangements table, sooo, if a client
Has many Arrangement set for their account, it returns that clients
details x amount of times based on how many arrangements records
relate to there account. So my problem is, I need to be able to query
the arrangements table for a client's account but not return duplicate
results for every arrangement relating to that account. So it ignores
the arrangements table with regards to the amount of records entered
for a account and just queries it if records exists, but doesnt
return duplicate hirers for the amount of arrangements for that hirers
THANK You so much!!!
SELECT Hirer.Hirer_ID, Hirer.Hirer_First_Name, Hirer.Hirer_Surname,
Hirer.Hirer_Address, Hirer.Hirer_DOB,
Accounts.Account_number, Account_Type.Account_Type,
account_status.Account_Status, Clients.Client_Name,
Agents.Agents_Name, Vehicle.Vehicle_Registration
From hirer
left outer join Accounts on (hirer.hirer_ID =
left outer join account_status on (Accounts.account_status_ID =
left outer join Account_Type on (Accounts.Account_Type_ID =
left outer join Vehicle on (Accounts.Account_ID =
left outer join Clients on (Accounts.Client_ID =
left outer join Agents on (Accounts.Agents_id =
left outer join Arrangement on (Accounts.Account_ID =