Schannel Event ID 36869. SSL posting page not found message

Schannel Event ID 36869. SSL posting page not found message

am 14.08.2006 19:29:12 von SushiSean

Hello All,
I have a 2-server web-farm, same SSL cert for each. When I installed the
cert on my first web server, it wasn't working quite right. I would attempt
to load the site via HTTPS and get a page not found, 404 looking message. I
followed this article: 889651 and got it working great. Now on the second
server I had the same problem. So I went to do the certutil -repairstore
command, and this time I get the following error:

Non-root Certificate
Cert Hash(sha1): b7 f8 eb b5 f5 ad dc 4f a5 b6 ae 05 82 e5 81
No key provider information
No stored keyset property
CertUtil: -repairstore command FAILED: 0x8010001d (-214643504
CertUtil: The Smart card resource manager is not running.

Any idea's on what I can do to get a private key assigned to this?