lockdown tool for IIS 6.0
am 21.08.2006 13:28:01 von Steve
My question maybe be asked many times here and i will be gald if u could
answer again.
My server is windows 2003.
im installing Address Book Services in the LCS server. the requirement will
need IIS for ABS.
My questions is any tools to secure the IIS? i'm not using HTTPS. I heard
lockdown tool is not needed for IIS 6, is it true?
Re: lockdown tool for IIS 6.0
am 21.08.2006 14:49:36 von Miha Pihler
This article should help you out
UrlScan Security Tool
It will explain what was already built in into IIS 6 and what you get from
e.g. URLScan
Here are some other documents you might want to look at:
Threats and Countermeasures
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/topics/serversecur ity/tcg/tcgch00.mspx
Windows Server 2003 Security Guide
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/prodtech/windowsse rver2003/w2003hg/sgch00.mspx
Microsoft MVP - Windows Security
"steve" wrote in message
> Hi,
> My question maybe be asked many times here and i will be gald if u could
> answer again.
> My server is windows 2003.
> im installing Address Book Services in the LCS server. the requirement
> will
> need IIS for ABS.
> My questions is any tools to secure the IIS? i'm not using HTTPS. I heard
> lockdown tool is not needed for IIS 6, is it true?
> thanks