AutoCommit does not work

AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 11:54:10 von hartem

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Consider, please, the following piece of code:
____________________________________________________________ _____________________
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError =>
1,PrintError =>1});

$dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;

my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO TRANSACTION(toGroup, fromGroup,
amount) VALUES(?,?,?)});
print "Going to sleep...\n\n\n";
sleep (60);
if ($@) {
print "Error !!!\n\n";


____________________________________________________________ _____________________

It connects to the database, turns AutoCommit off, prepares the statement,
executes it, waits for 60 seconds and commits the statement.
Although I do not get any errors, it does not work as I expect. The problem
is that I can see the new entry inside the table before $dbh->commit() is
called from the code. The same problem appears also when $dbh->begin_work
is used.

The underlying database is mySQL version 5.0.24 and the version of DBI is

Could you please, give any hints how to debug the problem ?
Thanks in advance,


Re: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 18:19:37 von kevindotcar

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On 8/22/06, Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> Hi,
> Consider, please, the following piece of code:
> ____________________________________________________________

{code fragment}
> ____________________________________________________________
> It connects to the database, turns AutoCommit off, prepares the statement,
> executes it, waits for 60 seconds and commits the statement.
> Although I do not get any errors, it does not work as I expect. The
> problem
> is that I can see the new entry inside the table before $dbh->commit() is
> called from the code. The same problem appears also when $dbh->begin_work
> is used.

Hi Artem

I don't have much experience w/MySQL but my understanding with transactions
is that they only allow you roll back records within the transaction
block. A good example is an acct receivable;

write a sales slip
write a journal record
write a check record

If the "write a check record" operation failed, you'd do a "ROLLBACK" and
there'd be no sales or journal record because otherwise your DB would be all
screwed up.

In short, it souds like you're seeing what would be expected-
if you want the "$dbh->commit" to be some sort of "trigger" maybe you need
to re-think your application a little bit.

Hoping this helps



RE: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 18:51:18 von Philip.Garrett

Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> Hi,
> Consider, please, the following piece of code:
> It connects to the database, turns AutoCommit off, prepares the
> statement, executes it, waits for 60 seconds and commits the
> statement.=20
> Although I do not get any errors, it does not work as I expect. The
> problem is that I can see the new entry inside the table before
> $dbh->commit() is called from the code. The same problem appears
> also when $dbh->begin_work is used.
> The underlying database is mySQL version 5.0.24 and the version of
> DBI is 1.50.

Are you using a table type in mysql that supports transactions?


Re: Re: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 19:14:25 von hartem

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Are you using a table type in mysql that supports transactions?
Well, I am not sure, how can I check it ?



RE: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 19:23:52 von mfanderson

>Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> Consider, please, the following piece of code:
____________________________________________________________ _______________
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {RaiseError =>
> 1,PrintError =>1});
> $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{INSERT INTO TRANSACTION(toGroup, fromGroup,
> amount) VALUES(?,?,?)});
> eval{
> $sth->execute("kuku","DADDY","3.14");
> print "Going to sleep...\n\n\n";
> sleep (60);
> };
> if ($@) {
> print "Error !!!\n\n";
> $dbh->rollback();
> exit(-2);
> }
> $dbh->commit();
____________________________________________________________ _______________
> It connects to the database, turns AutoCommit off, prepares the
> statement,
> executes it, waits for 60 seconds and commits the statement.
> Although I do not get any errors, it does not work as I expect. The
> problem
> is that I can see the new entry inside the table before $dbh->commit() is
> called from the code. The same problem appears also when
> $dbh->begin_work
> is used.
> The underlying database is mySQL version 5.0.24 and the version of DBI is
> 1.50.
> Could you please, give any hints how to debug the problem ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Artem.

In MySQL your table must be of type INNOB for transactions to be



RE: Re: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 19:58:38 von Philip.Garrett

Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you using a table type in mysql that supports transactions?
> Well, I am not sure, how can I check it ?

mysql> show table status like '%transaction%';

The second column (engine) is what you're interested in... needs to be
InnoDB to support transactions.


Re: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 23:01:55 von hartem

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On 8/22/06, Kevin Carothers wrote:
> On 8/22/06, Artem Harutyunyan wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > >
> > > write a sales slip
> > > write a journal record
> > >
> > write a check record
> >
> > > COMMIT
> > >
> >
> > But what happens, is that I can see a 'write a sales slip' result
> > before actually doing "commit". Is it normal ?
> >
> Yes. Absolutely- otherwise, how would you know the sales slip record was
> written successfully?

After doing $sth->execute("kuku","DADDY"," 3.14"); application goes for
sleep for a minute and only after that $dbh->commit() is called. If I
understand everything correctly, during the sleep period the newly added
entry must not be seen in the table, whereas in my case I can see it by
simply doing SELECT from mysql command prompt.
For the test, I have tried to call $dbh->rollback() instead of
$dbh->commit(), but it didn't gave any result (the new entry still was

Maybe your app will be better served with a trigger construct (I think
> this is MySQL 5.0.2).

Thanks for the advice, but what I really need is transactions :).




Re: AutoCommit does not work

am 22.08.2006 23:11:58 von hartem

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Dear Mary,

In MySQL your table must be of type INNOB for transactions to be
> supported.

Thanks a lot !
I have change the database type and now the program works properly.

Thanks to all.

