shopping cart

shopping cart

am 29.08.2006 17:02:27 von Luciano


I would like to know if you would like to help me to develop a part of my
shopping cart for free. because my shopping cart were developped free since
the beginning and I do not know how to program php and Javascript. or if you
want we can make exchange of service.

Thank you

Re: shopping cart

am 01.09.2006 16:39:05 von Johnny

"Luciano (INFOCONCEPTLC.COM)" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I would like to know if you would like to help me to develop a part of my
> shopping cart for free. because my shopping cart were developped free
> the beginning and I do not know how to program php and Javascript. or if
> want we can make exchange of service.
> Thank you

try os commece...