Will this work?

Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 03:30:20 von Tim Gatty

I have 2 domains(for email use only) hosted by FM and registered with
If i added mx records as follows
in1.smtp.messagingengine.com (first, preference=10)
mxin.mxes.net.(second preference =20)

Would this mean that mail would be delivered to tuffmail if FM
was down?

I am not a techno type so a simple but clear answer will suffice.

Thank you

Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 06:35:50 von AK

Tim Gatty wrote:

> I have 2 domains(for email use only) hosted by FM and registered with
> 123reg.
> If i added mx records as follows
> in1.smtp.messagingengine.com (first, preference=10)
> mxin.mxes.net.(second preference =20)
> Would this mean that mail would be delivered to tuffmail if FM
> was down?
> I am not a techno type so a simple but clear answer will suffice.
> Thank you

Which mail server belongs to which.

if messagingengine.com is down (inaccessible, or genrating 4xx error
messages), a delivery attempt will be made to the mxes.net.

If messagingengine.com is accepting connection but hangs (i.e. no 2xx,
4xx response), whether the secondary will be tried will depend on the
sending mail server. Some mail servers will continue to try to send
through the primary until the max retry period is reached at which point
the message will be returned to the sender as undeliverable. Others
will register the issue as though a 4xx error occured and will try the

If however, messagingengine.com is accepting and generates 5xx messages,
those emails will be returned to the sender as undeliverable.


Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 08:05:25 von Alan Connor

On comp.mail.misc, in <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>, "Tim Gatty" wrote:
> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!news2.euro.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!newsfeed.kamp.ne t!newsfeed.kamp.net!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!individual.ne t!not-for-mail
> From: Tim Gatty

Tim Gatty
No Posting History

Troll. And on technical groups of this nature, you can figure
he may very likely be a spammer too.

Knowledge of mailfilters cuts both ways.

> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc
> Subject: Will this work?

Obviously not.

> Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:30:20 +0100
> Lines: 15
> Message-ID: <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> X-Trace: individual.net 1MgZ6nq+3rqpQEjo0ruMDwTJwKeaYn0Z5zRvO86yb/I5waS3s=
> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)
> Xref: usenetserver.com comp.mail.misc:160318
> X-Received-Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2006 21:28:22 EDT (text.usenetserver.com)

No posting IP.



If you replied to an article of mine and are wondering
why I didn't respond to you, the fact is that I didn't
even download your article. For an explanation, see:

Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 08:59:41 von Tim Gatty

Alan Connor wrote:
> On comp.mail.misc, in <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>, "Tim Gatty" wrote:
>> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!news2.euro.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!newsfeed.kamp.ne t!newsfeed.kamp.net!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!individual.ne t!not-for-mail
>> From: Tim Gatty
> http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search
> Tim Gatty
> No Posting History
> Troll. And on technical groups of this nature, you can figure
> he may very likely be a spammer too.
> Knowledge of mailfilters cuts both ways.
>> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc
>> Subject: Will this work?
> Obviously not.
>> Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:30:20 +0100
>> Lines: 15
>> Message-ID: <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>
>> Mime-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> X-Trace: individual.net 1MgZ6nq+3rqpQEjo0ruMDwTJwKeaYn0Z5zRvO86yb/I5waS3s=
>> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)
>> Xref: usenetserver.com comp.mail.misc:160318
>> X-Received-Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2006 21:28:22 EDT (text.usenetserver.com)
> No posting IP.

> http://slrn.sourceforge.net/docs/README.offline>
> Alan

FOR YOUR INFORMATION FUCKFACE (I checked your posting history and your
fav trolling activity is to accuse people of being spammers or trolls)
I am not REPEAT NOT a troll.
If you had an ounce of sense in that head of yours you would see that i
do have a posting history using that email address if not my full name.

Most people do not go into one if you do not use a full name but i had
been warned that though this is a helpful ng there was a certain person
that freaks out over people not posting with their real name.
On that score there are fewer people with my name and surname by a
sizable factor than there are people with yours.
Using your logic that makes you significantly more likely of being a
troll than i.

For your information here is my posting history using firemonkey at
broadsurf dot co dot uk

27 alt.support.depression.manic.moderated
21 uk.people.support.depression
9. alt.support.alzheimer's

plus various others ie single posts to 5 forums inc the one i just made
to here.

Not that it's an of your business but the posts to the first two ngs are
because i suffer from depression and mood swings etc .
Posts to the third are because i had a wife who at the time was
suffering from dementia. She sadly died last September due to problems
unrelated to her dementia.

I normally use a forwarding address that forwards to the firemonkey address

I asked a reasonable question using a real name and you still thought to
accuse me like the thoroughly bad mannered piece of trailer park trash
that your posts show you to be.

Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 09:05:46 von Tim

AK wrote:

> Which mail server belongs to which.
> if messagingengine.com is down (inaccessible, or genrating 4xx error
> messages), a delivery attempt will be made to the mxes.net.
> If messagingengine.com is accepting connection but hangs (i.e. no 2xx,
> 4xx response), whether the secondary will be tried will depend on the
> sending mail server. Some mail servers will continue to try to send
> through the primary until the max retry period is reached at which point
> the message will be returned to the sender as undeliverable. Others
> will register the issue as though a 4xx error occured and will try the
> secondary.
> If however, messagingengine.com is accepting and generates 5xx messages,
> those emails will be returned to the sender as undeliverable.
> AK

Thank you for your reply. In answer to your question mxin.mxes.net
belongs to tuffmail.


Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 09:08:14 von Tim Gatty

AK wrote:

> Which mail server belongs to which.
> if messagingengine.com is down (inaccessible, or genrating 4xx error
> messages), a delivery attempt will be made to the mxes.net.
> If messagingengine.com is accepting connection but hangs (i.e. no 2xx,
> 4xx response), whether the secondary will be tried will depend on the
> sending mail server. Some mail servers will continue to try to send
> through the primary until the max retry period is reached at which point
> the message will be returned to the sender as undeliverable. Others
> will register the issue as though a 4xx error occured and will try the
> secondary.
> If however, messagingengine.com is accepting and generates 5xx messages,
> those emails will be returned to the sender as undeliverable.
> AK

Mxin.mxes.net belongs to tuffmail.Thank you for your reply.

[OT] Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 10.09.2006 09:31:15 von Alan Connor

On comp.mail.misc, in <4mhrmmF674abU1@individual.net>, "Tim" wrote:

> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!news2.euro.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!fu-berlin.de!uni -berlin.de!individual.net!not-for-mail
> From: Tim

So now we have another "Tim" posting from individual.net.

Using the same newsreader.

From the _other_ "Tim":

> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)


And he's using different email domains for each alias.

> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc
> Subject: Re: Will this work?

Sure did.

> Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:05:46 +0100
> Lines: 32
> Message-ID: <4mhrmmF674abU1@individual.net>
> References: <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> X-Trace: individual.net QdcZzIU4Zv/apK2kUvPk0QFo+Hu+hVxKgXTr3xYVsKxmJNsPM=
> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)
> In-Reply-To:
> Xref: usenetserver.com comp.mail.misc:160323
> X-Received-Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 03:03:51 EDT (text.usenetserver.com)


Thanks for ratifying my conclusion, dipschitt.

But what do you care? You'll just scuttle off and hide behind
another psuedo-identity.

And I still won't download your articles. Nor any replies to

Spammers and trolls are the same people: Spammers evade your
mailfilter and trolls evade your newsfilter.

Well, the trolls _try_ you can beat them if you practice
zero tolerance for trolls.

Which means that you don't read any articles from people
who obviously use multiple psuedo-identities and/or the
"X-No-Archive: yes" header.

Nor any replies to them.

You can beat spam too, but only if you practice zero tolerance.

Here's a brief introduction to mail filters that allow you to do
that. They are called Challenge-Response Systems:


For trolls, read offline (from a local newsspool) and only
bring down the headers by default (a default gagfile).

Excepting groups, individuals, or threads you have passlisted.
For new aliases, read the headers first and decide whether or not
to tag their posts for article/body retrieval the next time you
hit the server.


If you replied to an article of mine and are wondering
why I didn't respond to you, the fact is that I didn't
even download your article. For an explanation, see:

Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 10:44:42 von Landmark

Tim Gatty wrote:

>I have 2 domains(for email use only) hosted by FM and registered with
>If i added mx records as follows
>in1.smtp.messagingengine.com (first, preference=10)
>mxin.mxes.net.(second preference =20)

Assuming you get all the dots etc in the right place then yes, when
the primary mail server is down you should get mail sent to your
secondary server. Each mail server has to know how to sort mail for
you once it receives it though, so you may need to do a bit more work
than that behind the scenes to set up, say, a POP3 mailbox on the
secondary to catch all mail. You may also find some of the spam goes
to the secondary, even when the primary is working fine, as some
spamming software targets lower priority MXs on the basis that the
backup MXs often has less spam and virus protection.

Re: [OT] Defeating Beavises and Kookbags (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 10.09.2006 15:25:18 von Sam

This is a MIME GnuPG-signed message. If you see this text, it means that
your E-mail or Usenet software does not support MIME signed messages.
The Internet standard for MIME PGP messages, RFC 2015, was published in 1996.
To open this message correctly you will need to install E-mail or Usenet
software that supports modern Internet standards.

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Mime-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mimegpg

Usenet Beavis writes:

> On comp.mail.misc, in <4mhrmmF674abU1@individual.net>, "Tim" wrote:
>> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver=
..com!news2.euro.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!fu-berlin.de!uni-be rlin.de!indivi=
>> From: Tim
> So now we have another "Tim" pointing his finger at me, and laughing.

The more the merrier, I say.

> Using the same newsreader.

What a coincidence, Beavis! That just had to give you a major kookfart,=20

> From the _other_ "Tim":
>> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)
> /quote
> And I was dropped on my head, as a child.

That much is obvious.

>> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc
>> Subject: Re: Will this work?
> Sure did.

And Usenet rejoiced.


Thank you for your kookfart, Beavis.

> Thanks for smacking my bitch up, my Master.

Always a pleasure.

> But what do you care? You'll just continue making fun of the Beavis=20
> until your bladder explodes.

I don't think it'll come to that, Beavis.

> And I still will download and religiously read your articles. And all=20
> replies to them.

Good for you.

> Beavises and Bigfoot are the same people: Bigfoot evade your attempts=20
> to capture them, and Beavises evade any attempts to regaining sanity.


> Well, the Beavises _try_ you can beat them if you practice=20
> zero tolerance for Beavises.


> Which means that you always smack my bitch up, and set the followups=20
> to alt.asshole.alan-connor.


> And all replies to them.
> You can laught at me too, but only if you practice zero tolerance.

Just Say No To Bigfoot, that's what I always say.

> Here's a brief introduction to the Usenet Beavis that allow you to do
> that. I am called the King Of Kookfarts
> http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/ac/

Very informative link.

> For Beavises, read their every post and make fun of them like=20
> there's no tomorrow.

Indeed. I cancelled cable because I get much better and higher quality=20
entertainment here.

> Beavis
> --=20
> If you pointed your finger at me and laughed, and wondered why
> I'm such a Beavis, see http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/ac/

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)



Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 15:25:55 von Sam

This is a MIME GnuPG-signed message. If you see this text, it means that
your E-mail or Usenet software does not support MIME signed messages.
The Internet standard for MIME PGP messages, RFC 2015, was published in 1996.
To open this message correctly you will need to install E-mail or Usenet
software that supports modern Internet standards.

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Usenet Beavis writes:

> On comp.mail.misc, in <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net>, "Tim Gatty" wrote:
>> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!news2.euro.net!newsfeed.freenet.de!newsfeed.kamp.ne t!newsfeed.kamp.net!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!individual.ne t!not-for-mail
>> From: Tim Gatty
> http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search
> Tim Gatty
> No Posting History

Results 1 - 10 of 24,000 for usenet beavis (0.37 seconds)

But you have plenty, Beavis.

> My mental superior.

So is a sack of potatoes.

> And on technical groups of this nature, you can figure
> he may very likely point his fingers at me, and laugh.

A very likely guess.

> Knowledge of kookbags cuts both ways.
>> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc
>> Subject: Will this work?
> Obviously not. I am, after all, a Beavis.

We've figured it out, already.

> No posting IP, which always causes me to have a major kookfart.

Don't ever change, babe.


Thank you for your kookfart, Beavis.

> Beavis
> --
> If you pointed your finger at me and laughed, and wondered why
> I'm such a Beavis, see http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/ac/

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)



Re: Will this work?

am 10.09.2006 17:35:17 von Mark Crispin

Mr. Gatty:

I think that AK and Landmark have answered your question. Good luck in
getting everything set up properly. Your ISP should help with this, since
not all customers are experts.

I am sorry to hear about the problems in your personal life.

The individual who posts as "Alan Connor" is mentally ill. Sadly, a few
decades ago, the United States allowed the worst impulses of conservatives
and liberals to united and "mainstream" the mentally ill; that is, to
close the mental institutions where they were treated and cared for.

The result is an unmitigated disaster. The ranks of the homeless are
largely filled by pathetic individuals who are unable to function in
society or even care for themselves in a basic way. Their lives are short
and brutal.

"Alan Connor" is no different than the deranged individual who babbles on
the street. The difference is that this one babbles in newsgroups. Most
people ignore him and do not respond to him. I suggest that you do so

Please do not stoop to his level by using bigoted stereotypes such as
"trailer park trash". Residents of trailer park are lower-income; that's
no reason to denegrate them. Such labels are fashionable among elitists
who consider low-income people to be the "lumpen proletariat". For you to
use such terms is like an American calling any bad-mannered person with a
..uk email address "cockney trash" or "East End trash".

Thanks for your consideration and help to make this a better newsgroup.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

Re: [OT] Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 15.09.2006 23:44:11 von Tris Orendorff

Alan Connor burped up warm pablum in

> You can beat spam too, but only if you practice zero tolerance.

Don't read messages you suspect are spam online since your mail client may
download pictures. A quick scan through the logs and you may get more
spam since they know you are reading their messages.


Tris Orendorff
[Q: What kind of modem did Jimi Hendrix use?
A: A purple Hayes.]

Re: [OT] Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 16.09.2006 00:59:02 von CBFalconer

Tris Orendorff wrote:
> Alan Connor burped up warm pablum in
>> You can beat spam too, but only if you practice zero tolerance.
> Don't read messages you suspect are spam online since your mail
> client may download pictures. A quick scan through the logs and
> you may get more spam since they know you are reading their messages.

Please don't feed the Connor Troll. Besides, any newsreader worth
its salt can be told not to download images, and not to execte
Javascript. It can also be told not to expand attachments.

"The most amazing achievement of the computer software industry
is its continuing cancellation of the steady and staggering
gains made by the computer hardware industry..." - Petroski

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

Re: Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 16.09.2006 04:38:07 von manyrumours

You sound like Michael A. Terrell.

By the way, you are aware the document you foster equates to Earthlink
spam and since there are no other options I saw in that chapter you
told me I could skip over, I assume that to be the 'hook' to get me to
read the spam.

>From what I've noticed, Earthlink isn't much better than AOL, and the
reason "90%" of the people being called back don't respond is because
they confuse it with a virus or breach of their OWN security, not to
mention it's just plain retarded, almost as bad as the more ridiculous
of the "puzzle/CAPTCHA" devices. No wonder you have no friends.

Re: Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 16.09.2006 05:41:20 von Alan Connor

On comp.mail.misc, in <1158374287.595632.204510@m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com>, "[censored]" wrote:
> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!atl-c03.usenetserver.com!news.usenetserver.com!news .glorb.com!postnews.google.com!m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com! not-for-mail
> From: "[censored]"

You aren't being sensored.

You can post anything you want.

But no one has to even download it, much less read it.

Welcome to flip side of free speech.

It's called 'free hearing'.

> Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc,comp.os.linux.misc,news.admin.net-abuse.misc
> Subject: Re: Defeating Trolls and Spammers (was: Re: Will this work?)
> Date: 15 Sep 2006 19:38:07 -0700
> Organization: http://groups.google.com
> Lines: 13
> Message-ID: <1158374287.595632.204510@m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com>
> References: <4mh81kF63nttU1@individual.net> <4mhrmmF674abU1@individual.net>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> X-Trace: posting.google.com 1158374293 22397 (16 Sep 2006 02:38:13 GMT)
> X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 02:38:13 +0000 (UTC)
> In-Reply-To:
> User-Agent: G2/1.0
> X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
> Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com
> Injection-Info: m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=LDYAvQ0AAADZRPoMd8VG8UbX6p8bk4pQ
> Xref: usenetserver.com comp.mail.misc:160367 comp.os.linux.misc:552370 news.admin.net-abuse.misc:154398
> X-Received-Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 22:38:15 EDT (text.usenetserver.com)



If you replied to an article of mine and are wondering
why I didn't respond to you, the fact is that I didn't
even download your article. For an explanation, see:

Information about "Alan Connor" - Was: Re: Defeating Trolls and

am 16.09.2006 07:02:04 von unknown

Post removed (X-No-Archive: yes)

Re: Information about "Alan Connor" - Was: Re: Defeating Trolls and Spammer work?)

am 16.09.2006 10:46:12 von Alan Connor

On comp.mail.misc, in <8ffb66f76fa38b02ad62bcae9a38e5f5@anon.mixmaster.mixmin.net>, "Alan Connor FGA" wrote:


Yes, "Sam" I've seen Bigfoot.

An amazing number of people have.

Try this google search string:


Web Results 1 - 100 of about 14,200,000 for bigfoot

More than 14 million hits.


And yes, I live out in the mountains in what used to be called a
"commune" but now is called an "intentional community".

They come in all sizes and shapes. Some are a lot more radical
than ours. We're just into material self-sufficiency. Basic

Try this google search string:

"intentional communities"

Web Results 1 - 100 of about 312,000 for "intentional

Why does this person think that things that I have publicly
posted, over and over on the Usenet are some kind of deep, dark
secret that I don't want anyone to know?

I _have_ deep, dark secrets, but I certainly don't post them on
the Usenet.


I'm assuming that what he has posted is accurate, of course, and
that's obviously a stupid assumption.

But I quit reading his articles years ago.


If you replied to an article of mine and are wondering
why I didn't respond to you, the fact is that I didn't
even download your article. For an explanation, see:

Re: Defeating Beavises and Kookbags (was: Re: Will this work?)

am 16.09.2006 16:40:47 von Sam

This is a MIME GnuPG-signed message. If you see this text, it means that
your E-mail or Usenet software does not support MIME signed messages.
The Internet standard for MIME PGP messages, RFC 2015, was published in 1996.
To open this message correctly you will need to install E-mail or Usenet
software that supports modern Internet standards.

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Usenet Beavis writes:

> On comp.mail.misc, in <1158374287.595632.204510@m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com>, "[censored]" wrote:
>> Path: text.usenetserver.com!atl-c01.usenetserver.com!news.usenetse rver.com!atl-c03.usenetserver.com!news.usenetserver.com!news .glorb.com!postnews.google.com!m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com! not-for-mail
>> From: "[censored]"
> You aren't being sensored.
> You can smack my bitch up anytime you want.

That's an invitation you should not pass up.

> But no one has to ever believe that I'm sane, much less a productive
> member of society.

Rest easy, Beavis. Nobody will make such a mistake.

> Welcome to Usenet Beavis's kookfarts.

Glad to be here.

> It's called 'I am a kookbag'.

You should wear a sign.

Thank you for your kookfart, Beavis.

> Beavis
> --
> If you pointed your finger at me and laughed, and wondered why
> I'm such a Beavis, see http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/ac/

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)



Re: Information about "Usenet Beavis"- Was: Re: Defeating Trolls and Spammer work?)

am 16.09.2006 16:40:59 von Sam

This is a MIME GnuPG-signed message. If you see this text, it means that
your E-mail or Usenet software does not support MIME signed messages.
The Internet standard for MIME PGP messages, RFC 2015, was published in 1996.
To open this message correctly you will need to install E-mail or Usenet
software that supports modern Internet standards.

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Usenet Beavis writes:

> On comp.mail.misc, in <8ffb66f76fa38b02ad62bcae9a38e5f5@anon.mixmaster.mixmin.net>, "Alan Connor FGA" wrote:

Thank you for your kookfart, Beavis.

> Yes, "Sam" I've seen Bigfoot.

How's ol' Sasquatch doing these days?

> An amazing number of Beavises have.

I'll take your word for it.

> Try this google search string:
> bigfoot
> Web Results 1 - 100 of about 14,200,000 for bigfoot
> More than 14 million hits.

Right. So you have a lot of work ahead of you before "usenet beavis" can be

> Hmmmmmm.....
> And yes, I live out in the mountains in what used to be called a
> "commune" but now is called an "intentional community".

How many goats do you own, Bavis?

> Kookbags come in all sizes and shapes. Some are a lot more kookish
> than ours. We're just into material self-kookfarting. Basic
> technologies.

Are you still married to Xena?

> Try this google search string:
> "intentional communities"
> Web Results 1 - 100 of about 312,000 for "intentional
> communities"

There's still plenty of work for you to do before "Usenet Beavis" reaches
even this level.

> Why does this person think that things that I have publicly
> posted, over and over on the Usenet are some kind of deep, dark
> secret that I don't want anyone to know?

Because you were dropped on your head, as a child.

> I _have_ deep, dark secrets, but I certainly don't post them on
> the Usenet.

What you and Bigfoot were doing behind the shack is not a deep, dark secret.
It's public knowledge.

> Duh.


> I'm assuming that what I posted is accurate, of course, and
> that's obviously a stupid assumption.


> But I quit being sane a long time ago.

Right again.

> Beavis
> --
> If you pointed your finger at me and laughed, and wondered why
> I'm such a Beavis, see http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/ac/

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