SRX1014725515ID - Microsoft Passport Network:I have a comment/suggesti:Other:Other
am 11.09.2006 20:16:17 von spamhotmailThank you for writing to Microsoft Passport Network Technical Support.
This is Luis and I apologize for the delay in answering your e-mail.
I understand that you have issues on MSN Games because of your server
settings. I can imagine how inconvenient this may have been and I look
forward to assisting you today.
I would like to inform you that your issue can be best addressed by the
MSN Games Support Team. You may contact them through the following:
You are a valuable customer to MSN and we are glad to give you
consistent and effective service.
Microsoft Passport Network Technical Support
Microsoft Passport Network
What type of problem do you have?
I have a comment/suggestion about Passport
To ensure a quick resolution, provide as many details as possible,
including the date and time the problem occurred, a description of what
you were trying to do, the detailed steps you took that led up to the
problem, and details on any error messages that you received.
The following deals with an issue about the operation of MSN servers
instead of a product. Your security vulnerability form from the
Microsoft Security Centre makes the assumption that the product sits on
a consumer's machine. This message is about how the MSN servers may
be configured and a possible security issue related to those servers.
When you respond to me, please indicate if you want me to fill out
the vulnerability form with the same inforamtion I am giving your
division now, and should a future issue arrise, I will direct my
comments to that department. One of my friends was having difficulty
connecting to MSN instant messenger games servers so I did a little
research to see if I could advise my friend on the best course of
action to fix the problem. I researched the MSN gaming zone server
using a network technology server webpage that is called Netcraft.
Netcraft offers company name specific searches by web address which
in turn lists web servers along with the software and operating system
in use. The specific address I queried on Netcraft was
and the information it provided is shown below: was running Microsoft-IIS on F5 Big-IP when last
queried at 20-May-2006 04:55:34 GMT - refresh now Site Report
Try out the Netcraft Toolbar! FAQ
OS Server Last changed IP address Netblock Owner
F5 Big-IP Microsoft-IIS/6.0 30-Mar-2006
Microsoft Corp
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 2-Feb-2006 Microsoft
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 21-May-2005 Microsoft
unknown unknown 20-May-2005 Microsoft Corp
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 17-Jan-2005 Microsoft
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 17-Jan-2005 Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Microsoft-IIS/6.0 16-Jan-2005
Microsoft Corp
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 15-Jan-2005 Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Microsoft-IIS/6.0 14-Jan-2005
Microsoft Corp
unknown Microsoft-IIS/6.0 24-Nov-2004 Microsoft
The very first entry in the list shows the operating system as F5
Big-IP. Because I had never see that before I did a search. I found
the company F5 of which Microsoft is a client. In F5's product
listing, I found the mentioned product was a load balancer. I am not
an IT professional, I am just an ultra-geek, but most load balancers I
have seen don't identify themselves at all - only the web servers are
usually identified. I do not understand fully, nor should I, how your
server network is set up. However, since I was able to research the
product simply by running a web search, I think this could open you up
to vulnerabilities which would not be very good. If this is a glitch,
make sure it is invisible and if not, congratulations on the new
installation. If you need any further information please
Frequency of the issue:
First time
How do you access your account?
Who is your ISP?
Type of Internet connection:
56K Modem
Have you recently installed any new software (if you enter yes please
add more comments in the text box above)?
Which operating system are you using?Windows XP: Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Which browser are you using: IE6
Location: en-us - English (United States)
Type of Support: E-mail Support
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