help needed

help needed

am 12.09.2006 20:18:43 von dhfinamore

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Hi, I are working with visualfox 6.0 and mysql server 4.1 and odbc =
driver 11 feb 2005

I have a table with a colum with an "F" or an "f"

this does not work, because ignore the where and bring to me all the =

SELECT status, no_documen FROM FACTHEAD where status=3D"f"

I also try this and works fine in the mysql query browser but in fox =
bring to me again all the records ignoring the lowercase

SELECT status, no_documen FROM FACTHEAD where hex(status)=3Dhex("f")

what can I do?

Daniel Hernandez Finamore
Director Ejecutivo
ISP, S.A. de C.V.
Telefono Conmutador 0155-5243-5222
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