Oracle RAC connection

Oracle RAC connection

am 20.09.2006 23:20:04 von sagivba

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hi all
I am looking for a tutorial or "how to" which explain how to connect to
Oracle RAC. I have connected to simple Database but here I don't know what
is the host name sid etc'
could you please refere me where to start?

Blue Skies Clear Air


Re: Oracle RAC connection

am 20.09.2006 23:58:44 von mnhan


Connecting to rac is the same as connecting to any normal oracle database.
It still uses the tnanames aliases. With the tnsnames.ora file for a rac
database, you can specify if the alias is to connect to specific node or
use the service and allow for the listener to connect you to a random
node. But as far as DBI is concern its all the same.


> Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 00:20:04 +0300
> From: Sagiv Barhoom
> To: dbi-users
> Subject: Oracle RAC connection
> hi all
> I am looking for a tutorial or "how to" which explain how to
> connect to
> Oracle RAC. I have connected to simple Database but here I don't
> know what
> is the host name sid etc'
> could you please refere me where to start?

"He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep,
pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart;
and, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."
--- Aeschylus