[ANNOUNCEMENT] Commons Configuration 1.3 Released

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Commons Configuration 1.3 Released

am 24.09.2006 12:41:01 von Oliver Heger

The Commons Configuration team is pleased to announce the availability
of the 1.3 release.

Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which
enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of
sources, e.g. properties files, XML documents, JDBC datasources and many
more. More information can be found at the Configuration main site at

The new release adds many new features. Some highlights are:

- Support for XPATH expressions when querying properties from
hierarchical configurations
- The new DefaultConfigurationBuilder class as a hierarchical
alternative to ConfigurationFactory that allows for more configuration
- Support for configuration listeners that are notified about
modifications on a configuration object.

A full list of changes since the previous release can
be found in the change log at
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/configuration/changes-repo rt.html

Commons Configuration is available in either binary or source form from
the Configuration downloads page:
http://jakarta.apache.org/site/downloads/downloads_commons-c onfiguration.cgi

(Please remeber to verify the provided checksums and/or signatures after
you have downloaded a distribution!)

Oliver Heger
on behalf of the Commons Configuration team