Voices: Junk email....

Voices: Junk email....

am 25.09.2006 21:15:55 von spamhotmail

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Mon. Sep. 25, 2006. | Updated at 02:49 PM
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Voices: Junk email
Sep. 25, 2006. 12:06 PM
We asked you whether the amount of junk email you receive is more than
ever, about the same or less than ever. Here's what you had to say.

I get more junk mail than ever. A root cause is friends using my email
address to add to online competitions, forwarding jokes/hoaxes, eCard
sites and the websites that try and keep you in touch with long-lost
school friends. I try to get friends to use an alternative email
address for those types of email.
Brian Coutinho, Toronto

I get lots of spam mail, but fortunately, Rogers manages to label it as
bulk, and in my outlook settings, any mail that comes in labelled bulk,
it goes automatically to my deleted items folder. Sometimes mail I want
gets labelled, but I notice the senders address and I open it. I have
emptied my deleted folder, checked my mail 5 minutes later, and low and
behold, there are 3 or 4 new spam emails waiting to be deleted. I get
more junk mail with my Rogers address than I do with my hotmail
address, which I give out 99 per cent of the time to sites that require
an address in order to gain access.
Darryl Barnes, Toronto

The filters do a good job of keeping most spam out of my inbox but not
the "stock" spam which arrives in my inbox daily. The amount of spam
has increased despite efforts to control it.
Rennette Madill, Whitby

I work in the IT field. The amount of spam that we filter out is
growing daily. Once your email address is out on the net, consider
yourself spammed. It's just a matter of time as it circulates between
spam lists. My suggestion is use a free email account when subscribing
to news sites or anything like that (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). Also, just
because a website claims they do not share your email address, I've
found cases where they still sell lists of addresses to other
companies. Best thing is to keep your email address private, or use it
Ronen Kabanovsky, North York

I get a piece of junk mail approximately every 12 minutes during the
work day. I can go for lunch and come back to 15-20 pieces of junk
mail. The only thing that changes is the subject matter; no more
enlarged penises, now it's all day-trading and Viagra and other meds.
Frankly, it's disgusting, especially considering that no one must take
tips of day trading that are enmeshed in a word salad to keep the junk
mail detectors from detecting them.
Bernie Flefbusch, Toronto

I check my home computer when I get up in the morning and have maybe
20-25 emails, mostly spam. I check again at night when I get home and
have maybe another 30-40. I am so wealthy from all the lotteries I've
won that I can afford to fly to other countries to help the dying wives
and children and first, second, third and fourth cousins of all the
bureaucrats who have squirreled away millions and need my help to get
it out of their country.
Kirk McDonald, Aurora

Fortunately I deal through a server that filters out most junk email.
Junk email is unwanted solicitations invading your personal space. You
can keep people off your property, you can remove yourself from
telemarketing lists and you should be able to protect yourself from
junk emails.
Allan Eizinas, Simcoe, Ont.

Way more. I get 15-25 junk emails a day. Usually most are blocked. This
new stock spam is getting through. Why do ISPs allow this to happen?
These email spammers are vile. Why do the ISP servers even allow this
crap to make out to everyone's IN baskets? That is the question. It
should be blocked at the source. Let's reduce mail server traffic and
everyone benefits. Put the onus on the ISP to stop this (probable
illegal) activity.
Andrew Dow, Newmarket