Compiling DBD::Oracle 1.17 with LD_RUN_PATH
am 29.09.2006 18:47:55 von rjk-dbi
I had just built and installed DBD::Oracle 1.17, and I found that I couldn't
use it unless I had LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in my environment. However, with an
installation of DBD::Oracle 1.06, I didn't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH set.
It turns out that the Makefile for 1.06 sets LD_RUN_PATH, which then gets
included in the compiled file, making LD_LIBRARY_PATH unnecessary.
The Makefile for 1.17, on the other hand, doesn't set LD_RUN_PATH.
By setting LD_RUN_PATH in my environment, I was able to build 1.17 with the
path included in
I'm curious why this change in behavior occured.
Re: Compiling DBD::Oracle 1.17 with LD_RUN_PATH
am 29.09.2006 19:06:01 von scoles
Oracle changed the internal location/mapping/bundleing of some thier binaly
Specifally the file is now bundled in the
file (depending on which client)
Pehaps we can use LD_RUN_PATH instead in the next version of DBD::Oracle
I will look into this.
John Scoles
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald J Kimball"
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:47 PM
Subject: Compiling DBD::Oracle 1.17 with LD_RUN_PATH
>I had just built and installed DBD::Oracle 1.17, and I found that I
> use it unless I had LD_LIBRARY_PATH set in my environment. However, with
> an
> installation of DBD::Oracle 1.06, I didn't need LD_LIBRARY_PATH set.
> It turns out that the Makefile for 1.06 sets LD_RUN_PATH, which then gets
> included in the compiled file, making LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> unnecessary.
> The Makefile for 1.17, on the other hand, doesn't set LD_RUN_PATH.
> By setting LD_RUN_PATH in my environment, I was able to build 1.17 with
> the
> path included in
> I'm curious why this change in behavior occured.
> thanks,
> Ronald