am 08.10.2006 18:30:21 von iulian.ilea


I use MsSQL server. I created an application in PHP who uses a field
type datetime. When I tested it local it worked fine, the datetime
field has this format: mm/dd/yyyy. When I tested it on another server I
remarked that the same field datetime has format dd/mm/yyyy. How can I
change it to mm/dd/yyyy.


am 09.10.2006 22:18:58 von Mick White wrote:

> Hi,
> I use MsSQL server. I created an application in PHP who uses a field
> type datetime. When I tested it local it worked fine, the datetime
> field has this format: mm/dd/yyyy. When I tested it on another server I
> remarked that the same field datetime has format dd/mm/yyyy. How can I
> change it to mm/dd/yyyy.
I'd recommend you store the date as yyyy-mm-dd, which is unambiguous.


am 12.10.2006 14:39:47 von Captain Paralytic wrote:

> Hi,
> I use MsSQL server. I created an application in PHP who uses a field
> type datetime. When I tested it local it worked fine, the datetime
> field has this format: mm/dd/yyyy. When I tested it on another server I
> remarked that the same field datetime has format dd/mm/yyyy. How can I
> change it to mm/dd/yyyy.

MySQL stores dates in an internal format that looks nothing like dd or
mm or yyyy.

When you perform a query, you can decide how you want a date formatted
by using the DATE_FORMAT() function.

See: ns.html