PHP on Sparc Solaris 10 ?

PHP on Sparc Solaris 10 ?

am 11.10.2006 23:38:45 von John Smith

hi there ..

Is there a PHP interpreter shipped with Solaris 10 ?

I have found a load of scripts under
/usr/sfw/share/serweb/html/user-interface - but I imagine that there is more
to it than simply adding the mime type to the apache httpd.conf file ?

Does anybody have any tips for setting it up ( or installing it ) with the
Apache server shipped with Solaris ?



Re: PHP on Sparc Solaris 10 ?

am 12.10.2006 04:42:27 von Toby

Frederick Smith wrote:
> hi there ..
> Is there a PHP interpreter shipped with Solaris 10 ?
> I have found a load of scripts under
> /usr/sfw/share/serweb/html/user-interface - but I imagine that there is more
> to it than simply adding the mime type to the apache httpd.conf file ?
> Does anybody have any tips for setting it up ( or installing it ) with the
> Apache server shipped with Solaris ?

> Regards
> Frederick

Re: PHP on Sparc Solaris 10 ?

am 12.10.2006 08:36:14 von Randy

Frederick Smith wrote:

> hi there ..
> Is there a PHP interpreter shipped with Solaris 10 ?
> I have found a load of scripts under
> /usr/sfw/share/serweb/html/user-interface - but I imagine that there is
> more to it than simply adding the mime type to the apache httpd.conf file
> ?
> Does anybody have any tips for setting it up ( or installing it ) with the
> Apache server shipped with Solaris ?

I created the following guide for a source-based installation:

Solaris 10 Web Server w/ Apache2 PHP5, PostgreSQL and SSL php

Maybe that could provide some assistance.

Randal T. Rioux | Procyon Labs
IT Security R&D and Consulting
Physical: DC / Baltimore
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