Select fails with AsyncFetch in (VB6, XP / 2000) / Problem with Sockets
am 13.10.2006 18:14:37 von Karsten KausI thought I solved a problem, but its leading straight into the next one:
As described here:
my SQL-Server has gone away when my application issues a MySQL-Select
during an active mailserverconnection.
The answer at Catalyst Development Corporation was that a thread (my
application) can only handle one
blocking socket. So it will crash as soon as the Select is sent via MyODBC
When connecting, OPTIONS=7 is set.
It is not a timeoutproblem as far as I can see, since the abort is
It really seems to be the blocked socket.
So I changed the way of calling the server from
(this causes the server has gone away)
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseServer
rtmp.Open "SELECT
", form1.adoc, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rtmp.EOF Then
(this works)
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rtmp.Open "SELECT
", form1.adoc, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly,
If Not rtmp.EOF Then
I cannot see any difference using adAsyncFetchNonBlocking or adAsyncFetch
So for a short time I was happy and rewrote all lines to the
Then, doing some testing I found a Problem at another point having
nothing to to with socketwrench
since no mailservertraffic is on the way this time.
My program is creating a record and should display the freshly created
record in a form but gets EOF instead.
The code (in shorec mentioned below) to retrieve the record is:
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rtmp.Open "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id= '" & id$ & "'", form1.adoc, _
adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adAsyncFetchNonBlocking
If Not rtmp.EOF Then
The select returns with EOF and that is not correct.
The record IS created and is in the database.
I can open it from a calendar for example, I can see it using MySQLFront
and Access,
so the Insert really works. It is the select statement returning EOF
where it should return the record.
If I redo the action my program finds the existence of the record prior
to create it and therefor skips
creation just displaying the record this works correct.
It seems only the combination insert/select is failing to select.
c$ = "select * from auftritt where datum>'" + datum2sql(Date) + _
"' and auftrittstyp='Geburtstag' and instr(bezeichnung,'" & tpid$ & "')>0"
Set r = New ADODB.Recordset
r.CursorLocation = adUseServer
r.Open c$, adoc, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly
If Not r.EOF Then
this branch works
id$ = r!id
this branch works also
id$ = form1.newid("auftritt", "id", 20)
form1.sqlqry ("INSERT INTO auftritt (id,
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES ('" + _
id$ + "','-1'" + _
",'Geburtstag','" & tpid$ & "','" + _
dtg$ + "')")
End If
Unload auftritt: Load auftritt
Call auftritt.SetFocus
this fails when insert-branch was taken
Call auftritt.showrec(id$, 0)
id$ is truly the same in first or second call to showrec
I tested with MySQL-Server 5.0.24 Windows, 4.0.26-nt and 4.0.15 on Linux
- the results are all the same.
Can someone give me a hint what is going on?
In this log you will find branch 2, inserting and failing to select
checking existance:
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 55 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13e10
| |
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| enter: stmt: 2748270
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| |
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id='JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| |
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=59
| | | | | exit: 59
| | | |
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | exit: 1
| |
| |
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=22
| | | | exit: 22
| | |
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13db8
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >free_root
| | | | >_myfree
| | | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | | <_myfree
| | |
| | | | enter: ptr: 8a13db8
| | | <_myfree
| |
| | >_mymalloc
| | | enter: Size: 120
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_mymalloc
| | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13cf8
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | exit: Got 0 rows
| |
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 24 MyFlags: 0
| | | exit: ptr: 8a12260
| |
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,13eb08,4,13e69c
| exit: Rows in set: 0
| exit: columns: 12
| exit: columns: 12
| info: col: 1 type: 12 precision: 120 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 10
| info: col: 2 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 10
| info: col: 3 type: 12 precision: 22 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 10
| info: col: 4 type: 12 precision: 12 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 18
lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000
| enter: Atrr: 11,0,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| enter: Atrr: 11,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| enter: icol: 1 Type: 1 ValueMax: 121 Valueptr: 958004c pcbValue: 0
| >my_malloc
| | my: Size: 360 MyFlags: 32
| | exit: ptr: 8a13b40
| enter: icol: 2 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 95800d4 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 3 Type: 1 ValueMax: 23 Valueptr: 9580114 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 4 Type: 1 ValueMax: 13 Valueptr: 9580134 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 5 Type: 93 ValueMax: 16 Valueptr: 958014c pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 6 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 9580164 pcbValue: 0
lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000
| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_myfree
| |
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_myfree
| | my: ptr: 8a12260
| enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 0
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_DROP
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| |
| | | my: ptr: 8a13e10
| |
| | | enter: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | <_myfree
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 27482a8
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| |
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5560,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d55ec,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5678,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5704,-4,13e928
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e880,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e87c,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e878,4,13e4c0
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e880,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e87c,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e878,4,13e4c0
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored
some of lines deleted to keep the message <30000
I belive the non-existance is found out above this line
doing lots of things...
inserting the record:
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 27482a8
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| |
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5878,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5904,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5990,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5a1c,-4,13eae8
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13ea40,-5,13e698
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13ea3c,-5,13e698
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13ea38,4,13e680
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 153 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13db0
| |
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES
('JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO','-1','Geburtstag','name censored','2006-10-17');
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| enter: stmt: 2748270
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| |
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "INSERT INTO auftritt (id,
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES
('JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO','-1','Geburtstag','name censored','2006-10-17');"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| |
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=157
| | | | | exit: 157
| | | |
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=3
| | | exit: 3
| |
| |
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,13ea28,4,13e5bc
| exit: Affected rows: 1
| exit: columns: 0
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,85ac024,4,13e658
| enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 0
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_DROP
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| |
| | | my: ptr: 8a13db0
| |
| | | enter: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | <_myfree
might be inserted here - well it is inserted, but I only guess about the
....doing things again - opening a form ...
.... and finaly opening the newly created record (giving EOF in VB6):
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 2740478
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| |
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d56a8,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5734,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d57c0,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d584c,-4,13eafc
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13ea54,-5,13e6ac
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13ea50,-5,13e6ac
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13ea4c,4,13e694
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 56 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a12240
| |
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| enter: stmt: 2740440
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2740440 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| |
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id= 'JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| |
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=60
| | | | | exit: 60
| | | |
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| |
| | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | exit: 1
| |
| |
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=22
| | | | exit: 22
| | |
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13e28
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=33
| | | | exit: 33
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=25
| | | | exit: 25
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=24
| | | | exit: 24
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=25
| | | | exit: 25
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=32
| | | | exit: 32
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=31
| | | | exit: 31
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=23
| | | | exit: 23
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=26
| | | | exit: 26
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=27
| | | | exit: 27
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=31
| | | | exit: 31
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=27
| | | | exit: 27
| | |
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >free_root
| | | | >_myfree
| | | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | | <_myfree
| | |
| | | | enter: ptr: 8a13e28
| | | <_myfree
| |
| | >_mymalloc
| | | enter: Size: 120
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13dd8
| | <_mymalloc
| | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=96
| | | | exit: 96
| | |
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13d68
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | |
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | |
| |
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 24 MyFlags: 0
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13d00
| |
| values: 3,2740440,0,-1249,13ea3c,4,13e5d0
| exit: Rows in set: 1
| exit: columns: 12
| exit: columns: 12
| info: col: 1 type: 12 precision: 120 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 10
| info: col: 2 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 10
| info: col: 3 type: 12 precision: 22 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 10
| info: col: 4 type: 12 precision: 12 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 10
| info: col: 5 type: 11 precision: 19 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 5 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 5 type: 10
| info: col: 6 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 6 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 6 type: 10
| info: col: 7 type: 12 precision: 100 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 7 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 7 type: 10
| info: col: 8 type: 12 precision: 80 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 8 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 8 type: 10
| info: col: 9 type: 11 precision: 19 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 9 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 9 type: 10
| info: col: 10 type: 4 precision: 2 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 8
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 10
| info: col: 11 type: 12 precision: 20 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 11 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 11 type: 10
| info: col: 12 type: 12 precision: 20 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 12 type: 18
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 12 type: 10
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e9b0,-5,13e620
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e884,-5,13e4d4
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 9,2,-6
| enter: Atrr: 9,13e874,-5,13e4d4
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 5,2d8,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 11,0,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| enter: Atrr: 11,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| enter: icol: 1 Type: 1 ValueMax: 121 Valueptr: 958004c pcbValue: 0
| >my_malloc
| | my: Size: 360 MyFlags: 32
| | exit: ptr: 8a13b60
| enter: icol: 2 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 95800d4 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 3 Type: 1 ValueMax: 23 Valueptr: 9580114 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 4 Type: 1 ValueMax: 13 Valueptr: 9580134 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 5 Type: 93 ValueMax: 16 Valueptr: 958014c pcbValue: 0
some lines deleted to keep the message <30000
| enter: icol: 12 Type: 1 ValueMax: 21 Valueptr: 95802bc pcbValue: 0
| enter: Atrr: 9,1,-6
| enter: fetchtype: 1 row: 0 current top-row: 0 rows_found: 0
| info: mysql_data_seek(0)
| >mysql_fetch_row
| enter: stmt: 2740440 option: SQL_UNBIND
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 8a13b60
| values: 3,2740440,0,-1249,85a4e54,4,13e4f8
| enter: stmt: 2740440 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 8a13dd8
| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_myfree
| |
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_myfree
| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_myfree
| |
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13dd8
| | <_myfree
| | my: ptr: 8a13d00
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2740478 element: 2746040
| |
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| |
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5e18,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5ea4,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5f30,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5fbc,-4,13e7e0
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e738,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e734,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e730,4,13e378
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e738,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
some lines deleted to keep the message <30000
.... that should be all.
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