Select fails with AsyncFetch in (VB6, XP / 2000) / Problem with Sockets

Select fails with AsyncFetch in (VB6, XP / 2000) / Problem with Sockets

am 13.10.2006 18:14:37 von Karsten Kaus

I thought I solved a problem, but its leading straight into the next one:
As described here:
my SQL-Server has gone away when my application issues a MySQL-Select
during an active mailserverconnection.
The answer at Catalyst Development Corporation was that a thread (my
application) can only handle one
blocking socket. So it will crash as soon as the Select is sent via MyODBC
When connecting, OPTIONS=7 is set.

It is not a timeoutproblem as far as I can see, since the abort is
It really seems to be the blocked socket.

So I changed the way of calling the server from

(this causes the server has gone away)
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseServer
rtmp.Open "SELECT …", form1.adoc, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If Not rtmp.EOF Then

(this works)
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rtmp.Open "SELECT …", form1.adoc, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly,
If Not rtmp.EOF Then

I cannot see any difference using adAsyncFetchNonBlocking or adAsyncFetch
So for a short time I was happy and rewrote all lines to the
Then, doing some testing – I found a Problem at another point having
nothing to to with socketwrench
since no mailservertraffic is on the way this time.

My program is creating a record and should display the freshly created
record in a form – but gets EOF instead.
The code (in shorec mentioned below) to retrieve the record is:
Set rtmp = New ADODB.Recordset
rtmp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rtmp.Open "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id= '" & id$ & "'", form1.adoc, _
adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adAsyncFetchNonBlocking
If Not rtmp.EOF Then
The select returns with EOF and that is not correct.
The record IS created and is in the database.
I can open it from a calendar for example, I can see it using MySQLFront
and Access,
so the Insert really works. It is the select statement returning EOF
where it should return the record.
If I redo the action my program finds the existence of the record prior
to create it and therefor skips
creation just displaying the record – this works correct.
It seems only the combination insert/select is failing to select.

c$ = "select * from auftritt where datum>'" + datum2sql(Date) + _
"' and auftrittstyp='Geburtstag' and instr(bezeichnung,'" & tpid$ & "')>0"
Set r = New ADODB.Recordset
r.CursorLocation = adUseServer
r.Open c$, adoc, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly
If Not r.EOF Then
‘this branch works …
id$ = r!id
‘this branch works also …
id$ = form1.newid("auftritt", "id", 20)
form1.sqlqry ("INSERT INTO auftritt (id,
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES ('" + _
id$ + "','-1'" + _
",'Geburtstag','" & tpid$ & "','" + _
dtg$ + "')")
End If
Unload auftritt: Load auftritt
Call auftritt.SetFocus
‘this fails when insert-branch was taken
Call auftritt.showrec(id$, 0)

id$ is truly the same in first or second call to showrec

I tested with MySQL-Server 5.0.24 Windows, 4.0.26-nt and 4.0.15 on Linux
- the results are all the same.

Can someone give me a hint what is going on?

In this log you will find branch 2, inserting and failing to select
checking existance:
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 55 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13e10
| | | | enter: SELECT * FROM auftritt where id='JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| >SQLExecute
| enter: stmt: 2748270
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| | | >do_query
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id='JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_blocking
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >net_flush
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >net_real_write
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=59
| | | | | exit: 59
| | | | | | | | | | | >mysql_read_query_result
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >free_old_query
| | | | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=22
| | | | exit: 22
| | | | | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13db8
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4

lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000

| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | exit: Got 12 rows
| | | | >unpack_fields
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >free_root
| | | | >_myfree
| | | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | | <_myfree
| | | | | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 8a13db8
| | | <_myfree
| | | | >mysql_store_result
| | >_mymalloc
| | | enter: Size: 120
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_mymalloc
| | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13cf8
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | exit: Got 0 rows
| | | | >fix_result_types
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 24 MyFlags: 0
| | | exit: ptr: 8a12260
| | | >SQLGetDiagField
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,13eb08,4,13e69c
| exit: Rows in set: 0
| exit: columns: 12
| exit: columns: 12
| info: col: 1 type: 12 precision: 120 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 2 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 3 type: 12 precision: 22 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 4 type: 12 precision: 12 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 18
lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000

| enter: Atrr: 11,0,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 11,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| >SQLBindCol
| enter: icol: 1 Type: 1 ValueMax: 121 Valueptr: 958004c pcbValue: 0
| >my_malloc
| | my: Size: 360 MyFlags: 32
| | exit: ptr: 8a13b40
| >SQLBindCol
| enter: icol: 2 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 95800d4 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 3 Type: 1 ValueMax: 23 Valueptr: 9580114 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 4 Type: 1 ValueMax: 13 Valueptr: 9580134 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 5 Type: 93 ValueMax: 16 Valueptr: 958014c pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 6 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 9580164 pcbValue: 0

lots of lines deleted to keep the message <30000

| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_myfree
| | | | >_myfree
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_myfree
| | >my_free
| | my: ptr: 8a12260
| >SQLFreeStmt
| enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 0
| >SQLFreeHandle
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_DROP
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| | | | >my_free
| | | my: ptr: 8a13e10
| | | | >_myfree
| | | enter: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | <_myfree
| >SQLAllocHandle
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 27482a8
| | | | >init_dynamic_array
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5560,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d55ec,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5678,-4,13e928
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5704,-4,13e928
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e880,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e87c,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetConnectAttr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e878,4,13e4c0
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e880,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e87c,-5,13e4d8
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetConnectAttr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e878,4,13e4c0
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored

some of lines deleted to keep the message <30000


I belive the non-existance is found out above this line
doing lots of things...

inserting the record:

| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 27482a8
| | | | >init_dynamic_array
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5878,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5904,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5990,-4,13eae8
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5a1c,-4,13eae8
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13ea40,-5,13e698
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13ea3c,-5,13e698
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetConnectAttr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13ea38,4,13e680
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored
| >SQLParamOptions
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 153 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13db0
| | | | enter: INSERT INTO auftritt (id,
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES
('JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO','-1','Geburtstag','name censored','2006-10-17');
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| >SQLExecute
| enter: stmt: 2748270
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| | | >do_query
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "INSERT INTO auftritt (id,
TourneeplanID,Auftrittstyp,bezeichnung,datum) VALUES
('JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO','-1','Geburtstag','name censored','2006-10-17');"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_blocking
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >net_flush
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >net_real_write
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=157
| | | | | exit: 157
| | | | | | | | | | | >mysql_read_query_result
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=3
| | | exit: 3
| | | | >free_old_query
| | | | >mysql_store_result
| | info: affected rows: 1
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,13ea28,4,13e5bc
| exit: Affected rows: 1
| exit: columns: 0
| values: 3,2748270,0,-1249,85ac024,4,13e658
| enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 0
| >SQLFreeHandle
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2748270 option: SQL_DROP
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| | | | >my_free
| | | my: ptr: 8a13db0
| | | | >_myfree
| | | enter: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | <_myfree
might be inserted here - well it is inserted, but I only guess about the

....doing things again - opening a form ...
.... and finaly opening the newly created record (giving EOF in VB6):

| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2703598 element: 2740478
| | | | >init_dynamic_array
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a0fa80
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d56a8,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5734,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d57c0,-4,13eafc
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d584c,-4,13eafc
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13ea54,-5,13e6ac
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13ea50,-5,13e6ac
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetConnectAttr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13ea4c,4,13e694
| enter: Atrr: 0,1e,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 0 is ignored
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: Attribute, 7 is ignored
| >SQLParamOptions
| >SQLPrepare
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 56 MyFlags: 16
| | | exit: ptr: 8a12240
| | | | enter: SELECT * FROM auftritt where id= 'JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'
| | exit: Parameter count: 0
| >SQLExecute
| enter: stmt: 2740440
| >SQLFreeStmt
| | enter: stmt: 2740440 option: MYSQL_RESET_BUFFERS
| | >mysql_free_result
| | | enter: mysql_res: 0
| | | >do_query
| >mysql_real_query
| | enter: handle: 268f414
| | query: Query = "SELECT * FROM auftritt where id= 'JKBHXTESNMVKMTOTBKAO'"
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_blocking
| | | enter: set_blocking_mode: 0
| | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >net_flush
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >net_real_write
| | | | >vio_write
| | | | | enter: sd=852 size=60
| | | | | exit: 60
| | | | | | | | | | | >mysql_read_query_result
| | >vio_is_blocking
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | exit: 4
| | | | >vio_read
| | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | exit: 1
| | | | >free_old_query
| | | | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=22
| | | | exit: 22
| | | | | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13e28
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=33
| | | | exit: 33
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=25
| | | | exit: 25
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=24
| | | | exit: 24
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=25
| | | | exit: 25
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=32
| | | | exit: 32
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=31
| | | | exit: 31
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=23
| | | | exit: 23
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=26
| | | | exit: 26
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=27
| | | | exit: 27
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=31
| | | | exit: 31
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=27
| | | | exit: 27
| | | | | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | exit: Got 12 rows
| | | | >unpack_fields
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >free_root
| | | | >_myfree
| | | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | | <_myfree
| | | | | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 8a13e28
| | | <_myfree
| | | | >mysql_store_result
| | >_mymalloc
| | | enter: Size: 120
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13dd8
| | <_mymalloc
| | >read_rows
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=96
| | | | exit: 96
| | | | | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 40
| | | | exit: ptr: 8a13d68
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 8136
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >vio_is_blocking
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=4
| | | | exit: 4
| | | | | | >vio_read
| | | | enter: sd=852 size=1
| | | | exit: 1
| | | | | | exit: Got 1 rows
| | | | >fix_result_types
| | >my_malloc
| | | my: Size: 24 MyFlags: 0
| | | exit: ptr: 8a13d00
| | | >SQLGetDiagField
| values: 3,2740440,0,-1249,13ea3c,4,13e5d0
| exit: Rows in set: 1
| exit: columns: 12
| exit: columns: 12
| info: col: 1 type: 12 precision: 120 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 1 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 2 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 2 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 3 type: 12 precision: 22 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 3 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 4 type: 12 precision: 12 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 4 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 5 type: 11 precision: 19 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 5 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 5 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 6 type: 12 precision: 50 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 6 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 6 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 7 type: 12 precision: 100 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 7 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 7 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 8 type: 12 precision: 80 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 8 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 8 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 9 type: 11 precision: 19 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 9 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 9 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 10 type: 4 precision: 2 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 8
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 10 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 11 type: 12 precision: 20 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 11 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 11 type: 10
| >SQLDescribeCol
| info: col: 12 type: 12 precision: 20 decimals: 0
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 12 type: 18
| >SQLColAttributes
| >get_col_atrr
| | enter: column: 12 type: 10
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e9b0,-5,13e620
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e884,-5,13e4d4
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 9,2,-6
| enter: Atrr: 9,13e874,-5,13e4d4
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 5,2d8,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 11,0,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| >SQLSetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 11,1,-6
| >set_constmt_attr
| | info: SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA value is ignored
| >SQLBindCol
| enter: icol: 1 Type: 1 ValueMax: 121 Valueptr: 958004c pcbValue: 0
| >my_malloc
| | my: Size: 360 MyFlags: 32
| | exit: ptr: 8a13b60
| >SQLBindCol
| enter: icol: 2 Type: 1 ValueMax: 51 Valueptr: 95800d4 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 3 Type: 1 ValueMax: 23 Valueptr: 9580114 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 4 Type: 1 ValueMax: 13 Valueptr: 9580134 pcbValue: 0
| enter: icol: 5 Type: 93 ValueMax: 16 Valueptr: 958014c pcbValue: 0

some lines deleted to keep the message <30000

| enter: icol: 12 Type: 1 ValueMax: 21 Valueptr: 95802bc pcbValue: 0
| enter: Atrr: 9,1,-6
| enter: fetchtype: 1 row: 0 current top-row: 0 rows_found: 0
| info: mysql_data_seek(0)
| >mysql_fetch_row
| >SQLFreeStmt
| enter: stmt: 2740440 option: SQL_UNBIND
| >my_free
| | my: ptr: 8a13b60
| >SQLMoreResults
| values: 3,2740440,0,-1249,85a4e54,4,13e4f8
| enter: stmt: 2740440 option: SQL_CLOSE
| >mysql_free_result
| | enter: mysql_res: 8a13dd8
| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_myfree
| | | | >_myfree
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13d68
| | <_myfree
| | >free_root
| | | >_myfree
| | | | enter: ptr: 9487130
| | | <_myfree
| | | | >_myfree
| | | enter: ptr: 8a13dd8
| | <_myfree
| | >my_free
| | my: ptr: 8a13d00
| >SQLAllocHandle
| enter: handle type: SQL_HANDLE_STMT
| >SQLAllocStmt
| | >list_add
| | | enter: root: 2740478 element: 2746040
| | | | >init_dynamic_array
| | | >_mymalloc
| | | | enter: Size: 1280
| | | | exit: ptr: 9483100
| | | <_mymalloc
| | | >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 10010,87d5e18,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10011,87d5ea4,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10012,87d5f30,-4,13e7e0
| enter: Atrr: 10013,87d5fbc,-4,13e7e0
| enter: fInfoType: 36, cbInfoValueMax :4
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e738,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetStmtAttr
| enter: Atrr: 7,13e734,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
| >SQLGetConnectAttr
| enter: Atrr: 108,13e730,4,13e378
| enter: Atrr: 6,13e738,-5,13e390
| >get_constmt_attr
some lines deleted to keep the message <30000


.... that should be all.

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