How do you deploy the odbc msi so that its installed...

How do you deploy the odbc msi so that its installed...

am 19.10.2006 20:12:05 von Poohba

I have a script that should allow all users access. Its a login script
that will just log computer information into the db. I currently have
the script working and adding to a file but a db would be more
manageable. I have mysql installed on my system and the script works
fine on my system of course. How do I get this installed on all
machines? I tried through group policy but that just added to the add
new programs menu. I need it installed on all machines. I thought that
if I were to push it out and then have the script run on the machine it
would auto install but that doesn't happen. Is there another way I need
to run a request to have it auto-install? The script is below:

Dim Path, WSLSerialNumber

Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile

Dim strOutputFile

Dim objDB,arrRecord,strRecord,strOutput

Dim oRS, nRec, oFld

'Main Processing section

'Database connection & select all from Table

Set objDB = DBConnect()

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

' ---------Get Serial Number from WMI \root\cimv2 & WIN32_BIOS

strComputer = "."


Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery _


Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

("SELECT * FROM Win32_Bus")

For Each objBIOS in colBIOS

'check to see if machine support smbios data

If objBios.smbiosPresent = "True" then


WSLSerialNumber = "@NA"

End If

'For Each objItem in colItems

If objBIOS.SerialNumber <> "" Then

WSLSerialNumber = objBIOS.SerialNumber

Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile("\\fileserver\shared\" &
WshNetwork.Computername & ".txt", 8, True)

TextFile.Writeline WshNetwork.Computername & ":" & WSLSerialNumber & ":"
& objBIOS.SerialNumber & ":" & wshNetwork.UserName

Set oRS = objDB.Execute("insert into computers.login
(serial,machine,user,date,time) values('" & WSLSerialNumber & "','" &
WshNetwork.Computername & "','" & wshNetwork.UserName &

Set objFileSystem = Nothing

End if


If WSLSerialNumber = "" Then

WSLSerialNumber = "@NA"

End if

'Procedures section

'This function sets up DB Connection using specified DSN

Function DBConnect

Set objDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

objDB.Open "mysqlodbc"

Set DBConnect = objDB

End Function

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