Regular Expressin in MySQL ?

Regular Expressin in MySQL ?

am 19.10.2006 20:41:56 von carrajo


I'm try to do something like:

SELECT description FROM table WHERE {regularexpression to remove all
non-word} = 'WidgetLarge02'

I have a field called description. Description contains a value like
'Widget Large?>/~-02'. The value I have on hande is WidgetLarge02.

I guess I need to replace all non-word characters first then match
against the value I have. Any way I can do this?

Re: Regular Expressin in MySQL ?

am 20.10.2006 08:46:58 von David Quinton

On 19 Oct 2006 11:41:56 -0700, "carrajo" wrote:

>I'm try to do something like:
>SELECT description FROM table WHERE {regularexpression to remove all
>non-word} = 'WidgetLarge02'
>I have a field called description. Description contains a value like
>'Widget Large?>/~-02'. The value I have on hande is WidgetLarge02.
>I guess I need to replace all non-word characters first then match
>against the value I have. Any way I can do this?

Itt looks like WHERE NOT REGEXP might do the job?
But I've never tried it...
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