Forms updating database
am 22.10.2006 17:52:13 von Kathryn GillI;m having probs with this script. when i
click update form the values from the text boxs that javascript updates
won't be saved in the data base.
Can any1 help?
*some code"
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($numresults)) {
name=" echo "t_played" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo $row{'PLAYED'};?>"
name=" echo "t_won" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo $row{'WIN'};?>"
onchange="ptotal(,' echo "t_draw" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo
"t_lost" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo "t_pts" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo
"t_played" . $row{'id'};?>')">
name=" echo "t_draw" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo $row{'DRAW'};?>"
onchange="ptotal(' echo "t_won" . $row{'id'};?>',,' echo "t_lost"
.. $row{'id'};?>',' echo "t_pts" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo "t_played" .
name=" echo "t_lost" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo $row{'LOST'};?>"
onchange="ptotal(' echo "t_won" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo "t_draw" .
$row{'id'};?>',,' echo "t_pts" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo "t_played"
.. $row{'id'};?>')">
name=" echo "t_for" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo $row{'GFOR'};?>"
onchange="gdtotal(,' echo "t_against" . $row{'id'};?>',' echo
"t_gd" . $row{'id'};?>')">
name=" echo "t_against" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo
$row{'AGAINST'};?>" onchange="gdtotal(' echo "t_for" .
$row{'id'};?>',,' echo "t_gd" . $row{'id'};?>')">
type="text" name=" echo "t_gd" . $row{'id'};?>" value=" echo
$row{'GD'};?>" disabled>
type="text" name=" echo "t_pts" . $row{'id'};?>" disabled value=" echo