[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000719 ] string representation for large objects ist wrong

[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000719 ] string representation for large objects ist wrong

am 23.10.2006 10:02:50 von noreply

Bugs item #1000719, was opened at 2006-08-29 15:17
You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10007 19&group_id=1000125

Category: None
Group: None
>Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Thomas Zehbe (thomasz)
Assigned to: Hiroshi Inoue (hinoue)
Summary: string representation for large objects ist wrong

Initial Comment:
Trying the db sample of wxWidgets 2.7.0-1 the postgreSQL server logged this message:
LINE_CNT,LANGUAGE,PICSIZE,PICTURE) VALUES ('t','','','','','','','1980-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp,0,0,0,0,28151,'11
FEHLER: Typ »lo« existiert nicht

The isnert statement tries to insert a blob and the string represanttion ind psqlodbc driver is actually "lo", wich isn't accepted.

After changing the represantion in 2 files to "oid" blob support works.
I changed the following files:
changed #define PG_TYPE_LO_NAME "lo"
to #define PG_TYPE_LO_NAME "oid"

convert.c in the ResolveOneParam() function at line 2983
from sprintf(param_string, "'%d'::lo", lobj_oid);
to sprintf(param_string, "'%d'::oid", lobj_oid);

My versions are psqlodbc 8.01.0200 and PostgreSQL 8.0.1

Hope this helps.


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Comment By: Thomas Zehbe (thomasz)
Date: 2006-10-23 09:55

Hello Hiroshi Inoue,
I aggree that OIDs are not necessarily point to large
objects. But large objects are are represented by oids.A
snippet from 8.0.3 docs: "SELECT lo_creat(-1); --
returns OID of new, empty large object"

Maybe you have overseen the reported Error message:
FEHLER: Typ »lo« existiert nicht
what means in english:
ERROR: Type >lo> doesn't exist
Thats a cleartext message from the servers logfile an is
concerned this part of the insert statement reported:
The first part is the number of bytes of the LO, the
second is what the driver generates for the LO. My changes
suggested are leading to this version of insert statement:
which is not refused by the server.

I use 8.0.3 currently. Is it misconfigured? Any hints
would be greatly appreciated as the "lo"-version definitly
does not work.

Best Regards,


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Comment By: Hiroshi Inoue (hinoue)
Date: 2006-08-30 02:49

OID doesn't necessarily pointing large objects.
If you are to handle large objects with psqlodbc
driver, please use the type LO.

Hiroshi Inoue

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You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10007 19&group_id=1000125

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